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Based on a concern of the possibility that World of Warcraft

The extent of the extent to which government agencies track the online activities of users is now getting more attention. United States and British government agents have been monitoring fantasy games such as World of Warcraft and Second Life as well as Xbox Live since 2008 WOTLK Classic Gold. Xbox Live platform since 2008 monitoring and scooping information about individuals for internet networks that are used by millions of people. According to documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden released today via the New York Times and the Guardian.

Based on a concern of the possibility that World of Warcraft, Second Life and Xbox Live could be used by enemies to exchange information with them, transfer money, or to plot attacks in secret, United States (NSA) and British (WoW WOTLK classicHQ) government officials have created accounts and characters to monitor its users and collect information whenever it was possible, as the documents reveal.

The document from 2008 NSA document, titled "Exploiting games for terrorist use and Virtual Environments" cautioned of the dangers of leaving these game networks uncontrolled. The document described the service as an "target-rich networks of communication" that could be used to track potential security targets can "hide from view."The NSA paper stated that collecting communication data in World of Warcraft, Second Life as well as Xbox Live would be necessary since users can communicate in a non-secure manner.

However, the document doesn't mentions if the plot was stopped or if such organisations used the games or services to communicate effectively according to the agency's suggestion that they could. But the uncertainty didn't hinder the NSA or WoW WOTLK classicHQ from conducting their investigations. The WoW WOTLK classicHQ earlier began an "vigorous campaign " to collect information from games, including "exploitation software" that are used in Xbox Live and World of Warcraft as the documents reveal.

To its part for its part, for its part, the NSA started in the year 2008 to take World of Warcraft metadata in an effort to connect accounts, characters and guilds to cheap WOW WOTLK Classic Gold Islamic extremism and arms-dealing groups. Through information gathering effort, it was found that a few World of Warcraft subscribers were actually "telecom engineers diplomats, embassy drivers as well as the military along with other intelligence organizations," the documents show.
