Jian Xiu who was forced to change his job

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A day trip to the netherworld. Chapter 44 a slag star. Why can't I control my hands! Why do you want to die! With a desperate expression on his face, Ye Wushen looked at his old father, who was merciless and wanted him to die, and his elder brother, who sat by and watched him die, but did nothing and helped him to do evil, and was extremely disappointed. This plastic flower-like father-son relationship, brotherhood.. Leaf fog sink, a young man who is sixteen years old and has a bright future. Finally, today, at a young age, he has already understood the indifference of society, the disappearance of morality, and the ruthlessness of human nature. And learned to pull out the heartless. Since you are heartless, I am unjust! Without saying a word, Ye Wushen did not even tie his belt properly, and immediately turned around and ran out of the door. However Think I'm a vegetarian? Ye Guanghan looked at his movements with a sneer and a sarcastic expression on his face. All the resistance of Ye Wushen at the moment seemed to him to be a dying struggle! Useless work! It's just.. Before Ye Wushen had run out two steps, he was pulled back by his old father, who slipped his back collar. With a clang, Ye Guanghan put a bowl of black, strange and warm bastard soup in front of him and said in a deep voice, "Drink!" “……” The leaves are foggy. He looked up and gave him a desperate and accusatory look. You are cold, you are heartless, you are insane, you are not human! You don't even spare your own son! Okay, I know I'm not my own. ↑ How long are you going to play this meme? Ye Wushen cried and said, "I'm not my own." "It's not my own,calcium ammonium nitrate price, so I don't feel bad." Ye Wushen cried and said, and then his hands trembled toward the bowl of bastard soup on the table. Ye Guanghan stood aside, listening to his words, expressionless, no different color, tone light said, "If you are not my own, do you think you can still stand here today?" Hearing this, Ye Wushen looked at him with a frightened expression on his face. Now you know you're afraid? Ye Guang snorted coldly, "will you drink next time?" "No, no more!" Ye Wushen shook his head as if he had eaten a small ball shaking his head. I promise I won't do it again. There won't be a next time. Ye Wushen said, then raised his head and looked at him expectantly. His voice was soft and coquettish. "Can I stop drinking?" He said. Ye Guanghan glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "No!" Ruthlessly rejected him. ……” The leaves are foggy. Sure enough, Magnesium Oxide price ,calcium nitrate sol, it's not my own. He withdrew his eyes and looked down at the black and strange bowl on the table, which looked not like cooking but like some kind of poison. Bastard soup, eyes full of tears. Why are his eyes full of tears? That's all because I was moved! How sincere, how touching, how happy this touching father-son relationship is! ↑ After identification, the man has gone mad. Before drinking poison, the brain is already poisonous. Leaf fog holds the bastard soup, hands tremble, eyes can not help but shed two lines of tears, crying mouth. He personally fed himself a poison that could lead to lifelong disability. At the moment of the entrance of the deadly poison. He seemed to see hell. On the other shore of the afterlife, flowers bloom on the other shore. Why is it so dark before my eyes? Because I have fainted. Ye Guanghan glanced at Ye Fog, who was lying on the table and could not get up, and said in a faint voice, "Don't play dead. There is still a quarter of an hour to go before the morning class begins." "Or do you want another bowl of soup?" Ye Guanghan. !!!!” The leaves are foggy. Wen Yan immediately jumped up, "I want to go to the morning class!"! I love morning classes, morning classes make me happy! Ye Wushen gave a loud cry and rushed out of the door quickly. Clang! One sound. Don't forget to close the door when you leave. Ye Guanghan looked at him so fast, can be called lightning thunder speed, pumping the corners of his mouth, heart way, usually let him go to a morning class, procrastination, until the last moment, never appear, now it is good. Ye Guanghan, who thought of this in his heart, took a thoughtful look at most of the bastard soup left on the table, as if he had found a good medicine to treat his son's laziness and procrastination. Sitting next to Ye Jiangxue, who had been silent to the end from the beginning, looked at his eyes and expression, and suddenly felt, ".." He looked at Ye Guanghan and said aloud, "I don't think Xiao Shen is a man who swallows his pride and waits for death." If Ye Guanghan really did that, Ye Wushen would not endure it. He would only throw back the poisonous soup that Ye Guanghan handed to him without hesitation. The final result was that only both sides were hurt, and Ye Jiangxue might be the biggest winner. Ah You deserve to be my pure and innocent elder brother on the side of the mountain snow lotus, ah, by and Ye Guanghan hurt each other. ……” Ye Guanghan. The corners of his mouth twitched as if he had seen the result. That's a pity. Ye Guanghan said with a regretful expression on his face. Ye Jiangxue said he didn't want to answer. I went to practice my sword. Ye Jiangxue said. Then he got up and turned to go out. Only Ye Guanghan, the old father, was left behind to be the empty nester. My lonely old father! ↑ Bring in by yourself, the tone of singing in the mist of leaves. —— It's so annoying! It's not a person! On the way to the Sword Washing Pool, Ye Fog sank and gnashed his teeth and said, Ye Guanghan is not a man, that's a beast! Even innocent, innocent or a child, he did not let go. He is still a child. What do you care about him? I don't know how my friends are now. Ye Wushen could not help but think of last night,Magnesium Oxide powder, which was produced by a small partner who was drunk and unconscious and did not know what he was doing. A dark dish called grilled fish is actually a poison. Suddenly, the heart under a tremor. As if, seeing the end of the boys.. stargrace-magnesite.com
