Useful Advice to Tame Your Pet Hamster

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Having a hamster as a pet can be a joyful experience as it always is with smaller animals.

Hamsters are ideal pets to be indoors as they are love to spend their time indulging in various activities on their own and also love to receive affection from the pet parent. They are also kept as Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) that can easily accompany their pet owner in apartments or houses and also during travels, especially with an legitimate esa letter for housing and travel. 


However, the hamster needs to be tamed before you can interact with it as your pet animals, especially when it comes to holding and handling your pet hamster. There are various things that you need to consider during the process.

Be patient and let your Hamster adjust itself

Give the hamster a week or two to adjust to its new surrounding, or else you will never be able to make it comfortable in and around the house. The cage that you provide to your hamster should spacious and should have soft bedding suited for the hamster such as wood shavings. Have an exercise wheel installed inside the cage and make sure to provide clean water. 


The hamster will be acclimated to the surroundings and will feel comfortable in its cage. It is however important that the vague should be placed away from sources of noise and away from places with lots of people, such as the living room, especially during day time when the nocturnal hamster is likely to be asleep. Keep a balance and make it accustomed to seeing people and hearing some noise. But you can apply for an cheap esa letter to keep your animal with you.

Accustom it to your presence

Be present around the hamster cage on and off during the process of getting your hamster acquainted with the surrounding. You should speak to your hamster in a soft voice and maybe sing to it so that it gets accustomed to you and your voice. Try to make your hamster relaxed around you and leave when it feels agitated. 


If the hamsters are playing while you are around then it means it has started to get comfortable with you. During this time try not to handle the hamster on your own, instead only Emotional Support Dog or handle your hamster if it gets out of its nest on his own (more likely during night time). 

Use treats to tame your hamster

Get some of the favorite hamster treats such as cooked potatoes, broccoli, mealworms, and keep them for the task of getting your hamster comfortable with you. Start with feeding the hamster from the wire cage, and eventually move towards the open door. Gradually make your hamster come out to collect the treat. Once it is slightly comfortable outside, start placing the treat on your hand and allow the hamster to get on your hand to collect the treat. You don’t want to touch or pet the hamster at this time, and let it get accustomed to you.


Once it starts to climb your hand you should try to lift it gently, making sure there are no jerky movements. You should allow the hamster to jump off if needed towards its cage, as it will surely do in the initial tries. Gradually, however, the hamster will be okay with being handled by you as it will take your palm as a safe place to be. But to get an esa letter for dog, you need to apply for it.

You can survive a few bites

The hamster might bite you at times during the taming process, as it might feel threatened when coming across a new thing such as petting or handling it. Try not to react by shouting or dropping your hamster, as it will get it more scared and more reluctant to get comfortable around you.  

Once you accept your therapist, they ask you to fill an evaluation form to determine your mental condition. If he or she recommends you an ESA therapy, an email will be sent to you that will contain all the essential information regarding how to get an esa letter, therapist’s details, animal type, etc.

Learn More About Emotional Support Animal Letter:

how to get dog certified as esa

how to get a dog esa certified

how do you get an esa

how to get your dog esa certified

how to get a esa

