Criminal Psychologist _ Essien

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By rights, Captain Xue should wait for himself half a block away, wait for him to get to the corner, pretend to ask for directions, chat a few words, and then go somewhere else.

By rights, Captain Xue should wait for himself half a block away, wait for him to get to the corner, pretend to ask for directions, chat a few words, and then go somewhere else. Captain Xue? He confirmed with the other party through the headset. No response. This can be troublesome, Mai Tao also did not care about anything else, and ran forward. Running all the way to the street corner like a madman, I saw a man standing in front of Captain Xue. He didn't look like a native, and he didn't know what to say. Mai Tao breathed a sigh of relief and went up. Xue Rongrong is a sad face, see Mai Tao as if to see relatives, "young man, you come here, people ask for directions." Ask for directions? If you ask for directions, you can just say you don't know and send him away! What's the trouble! Look at that brother, not tall, holding a map in his hand, look at Mai Tao, said in his mouth: "Inverse Hao?" Where is the accent? The man said again, "Atasiva, what, what,wire nail making machine, what..." And an international friend! Are you Japanese? Friend! I really can't understand the words in the back. There is broken Chinese mixed with Japanese. Mai Tao can speak two sentences of English, and the brother can also speak two sentences, but neither of them can understand the other. Grinding for a long time, Mai Tao took the map and pointed left and right, but the other side still did not understand its meaning. What's wrong? Have all the foreign illiterates come to our country? Why can't you read the map? The two men were so anxious that they finally sent the man away. Mai Tao was so angry that he cursed in the street. Cursing in the street is cursing in the street. You can't let others see that they know each other. Xue Rongrong pretended, "Young man, you don't scold, she is a Japanese friend,Iron Nail Making Machine, I am not familiar with here, but also have to thank you." Mai Tao was so angry that he was half telling the truth and half lying. Come on, you're welcome. Auntie, you can go. I have to go home, too. Go home? It's still early to go home! This time, Mai Tao walked in front and Xue Rongrong walked behind. Walking along, Mai Tao wondered, what's going on today, how can the Japanese come out to stir up trouble! It is the time when all plants and trees are at war. This Japanese is not a murderer in disguise, right? Alas. Mai Tao patted his head. Don't think about it. You can't treat everyone on the street as a murderer. Just walking to the door of a small shop, Mai Tao was anxious and thirsty. Come on, go in and buy a bottle of water. This is a small facade widened out of a floor, half a storefront, and a residence behind it. Mai Tao looked, oh, why is there no one? Where's the boss? He looked around and looked behind him, Nail Making Machine price ,Nail Making Machine manufacturers, but there was still no sign of the boss. He shouted. Wait a moment I heard someone greeting in the room in the distance. Passed a period of time, a middleaged person walked out, pull open glass to push the door, laugh to ask: "What do you want to order?" Mai Tao looked at the man, more than thirty years old, a pie face, big nose and small eyes, not very attractive appearance, the face is still very high. Oh, give me a bottle of Minute Maid. Cool, the cooler the better. It's too hot. "Yes, I'll get it for you." Open one freezer, no; open the second one, pull it for a long time, and find it. Mai Tao was so puzzled that he wanted to drag it with him for a while, unscrewed the lid, and gulped a few mouthfuls. As soon as I put down the bottle, I suddenly saw a woman dangling in the room with blood on her face. Not good! Mai Tao pushed the man away and rushed into the house. Xue Rongrong in the distance did not know what was going on and ran with him. The woman, holding her face, was in a daze when she saw Mai Tao as if she had seen a savior. He hit me! The woman tore her heart out and shouted. When Mai Tao heard this, he was stunned. Xue Rongrong stood in the doorway, also inexplicable. It's you who hit you and let you talk nonsense. The man rushed over and fought with the woman. Eh? They rushed up and one of them was held down. Ask to just know, the woman looks after a shop, the man always drinks outside. The woman said that the old man was dead outside and wouldn't let him go. The man refused and quarreled. They started fighting. So that's what happened. No wonder I didn't see anyone looking after the shop when I came in! Mai Tao suddenly froze and turned to run out! "Hey, what are you doing?" Xue Rongrong is chasing after her. We've fallen into the trap! Mai Tao ran faster and faster. Xue Rongrong still can't understand, what's the plan? Couple fight, can't also be in the murderer's calculation? No way, she followed behind, and they ran all the way back. Suddenly, I heard a woman's heart-rending screams, which pierced the night sky in an instant. Author's digression: Don't curse in the street. I didn't pay attention to it when I excerpted it. I'll fill in the back immediately. wWw:xiaoshuotxt? COMT, xt, small; say Tian'tang Chapter 15 Waltz under the Moon There's something wrong! Four days later, when Mai Tao participated in the interrogation of the prisoner for the tenth time, this feeling was particularly strong. Admittedly, the police have found enough evidence, including fingerprints and time clues, and it seems that the motive has also revealed the tip of the iceberg. However, Mai Tao just felt that there was something unnatural, and that solving the case was not as smooth as he had imagined. Tonight, this unnatural feeling is the first time. It's not that the killer has the ability to manipulate the couple to fight or disguise himself as a Japanese tourist to ask for directions. What's really unnatural is that when he and Captain Xue came out, the parking lot was empty. Tiantangyuan is a large community, and it is inappropriate to place toll collectors at the entrance, because it will cause a lot of congestion at the entrance. After entering the community, the ground parking spaces are purchased by the owners, so foreign vehicles need to be parked underground. How can there be no toll collector in the specially built underground parking lot? When Mai Tao recalled this detail, he knew that something had happened. Could it be that the murderer was hiding in it? Even when he was chatting with Xue Rongrong, he was hiding in the dark and peeping at them? Captain Xue didn't think of this detail for a moment. Maybe she was used to driving a police car and was not familiar with the situation? But today, they're not driving a police car. When you enter the parking lot,Nail machine manufacturer, no one comes to wind up, and no one answers when you go out, which is really unnatural!.
