How To Skip The Lines at Versailles Palace: Tips & Tricks

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If you want to skip the lines at Versailles Palace in Paris, France, read this article to learn some tips and tricks.

If you want to skip the lines at Versailles Palace in Paris, France, read this article to learn some tips and tricks.


How To Skip The Lines At Versailles Palace: Tips Tricks


A couple of weeks back, I went on my first trip to Europe and visited a few countries, one of which was France, where I had a wonderful time! One of the highlights was visiting amazing sights such as Versailles Palace. Everyone needs vacation breaks after all the work they do.


There was a time when I wished I could visit places such as Versailles Palace but didn’t have the money to do so, but now that I am older, wiser, and better off financially, I visited the place during my vacation. However, it wasn’t my first time visiting Versailles Palace since I had been there once before with my parents when I was younger. So obviously, there were many things that were familiar to me.


I enjoyed the place and especially visiting the Hall of Mirrors because I could see my reflection in the beautiful mirrors. I also enjoyed seeing so much gold used to decorate the place, it was very mesmerising.


I was surprised to learn that Versailles Palace is the largest chateau in the world. It is called “Versailles” because it was built on the site of an already existing chateau called “Vernon.” This place held over 250 rooms, and it took a lot of time to build this stunning palace in just about three years.


When you go to Versailles Palace, you will also be amazed at all the gold used there. The French have a saying, “La Reine n’est pas riche, Mais Elle est belle,” which translates to….”The Queen is not rich, but she is beautiful.”


I noticed that many famous people had visited the chateau. This included a lot of different presidents and kings. I heard Elvis Presley once met a girl at the palace while passing through Paris. He had come to Paris to visit the nightclub “Le Boeuf sur le Toit.” (It’s a great place even without him).


There were many children there too who were enjoying themselves as well. It was so lovely and peaceful to hear them playing. I was amazed by how many people were there on this day just for the chance to visit Versailles’ Palace. I guess a lot of people share my same appreciation for the place.


I was lucky enough to get there just in time for the guided tour, so I could immediately go. However, as I was leaving, I noticed that there were quite a few tourists who needed to wait in line. The line was very long, and many people were inside, hoping they could catch up with the tour.


This was very frustrating since I had such a good time at the castle and didn’t want to have wasted my time waiting in line. I knew from the moment I entered that there would be an opportunity to skip the lines, so at the first sign of trouble, I didn’t just sit back and do nothing but try and figure out how to get around it.


Fortunately, I was able to find the perfect solution. A person at the door was only willing to let me in with a ticket. I knew he couldn’t stop me from entering so I just went inside and walked straight inside past him.


As I was going in, there were other people who were coming out, and they seemed to be as surprised as me that someone had just made his way in without any opposition from the staff members.


How did I manage to get in? 

It was very simple; I had already booked my Versailles Palace Tour with a VIP entrance. Yes, there is a VIP entrance at Versailles Palace. When you get inside the main entrance of the palace, the first thing you need to do is turn left.


After doing so, you will notice that there is a door with two steps that lead up to it and also a pillar on your left side, as well as a server on your right. You also need to look for a black sign that is barely noticeable on the ground.


The sign says “Entrée Privée” which means that it is for private tours. Otherwise you would have to go through the main entrance where there are thousands of people waiting in line. That’s why the staff members were quite strict about it not being for private tours only. If a VIP member was allowed in there without a ticket, then it could cause chaos.


However, if you have a ticket, then you can enter through the doors and stairway to get to the upper terraces of Versailles Palace. I was lucky enough to be given a map and audio guide for my VIP tour. These tools helped me navigate the chateau without feeling like I had to wait in line for ages.


I appreciated that there were no lines and felt that the Seine River Tour was very valuable compared to the big group tours. You get to hear the guide talk to you and explain everything that you need to know about the history of Versailles.


You are also able to go up on the terraces and see some amazing views of the palace. I was able to see a lot of people in line who were not able to enjoy this because they were waiting in their positions at the entrance area.


I felt that since I already visited Versailles Palace once before, it wasn’t that big of a deal for me not to wait in line again. By skipping the line, I was also able to save myself some time and energy.


I was surprised by how many people were being kept up in line for the tours because I had such a good time staying out of it. I couldn’t believe how many people were waiting to visit the castle. It’s unbelievable! It was probably one of the most beautiful places on Earth and the biggest chateau ever built by man.


When you enter the chateau, you can go up the stairs and visit some of the most amazing places on Earth. Even though Versailles Palace was built many years ago, it is still as beautiful as ever. This place is full of history and a culture different from most places in the world.


I was lucky enough to have this experience twice so I was able to see Versailles Palace from many different angles. At times like that, you learn more about the culture and heritage of a place like Versailles Palace.


For example, when I went into the palace, I saw all these amazing tapestries, paintings and other art pieces all over the place. I felt like I was in a museum, and I had to keep my focus on everything to be able to remember it all.


I couldn’t believe the amount of detail that went into the paintings, tapestries, architecture and other artwork. The French are very talented when it comes to this kind of thing. I remember walking around the palace and taking in all the items displayed there.


After you visit the palace, you can also go through some amazing gardens.

