Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Prep

Kommentare · 275 Ansichten

AZ-900 assessments with out the want for a Microsoft Azure subscription. Microsoft Learn Platform for Azure Fundamentals

AZ-900 At a neighborhood take a look at middle At my domestic or workplace At a take a look at middle I actually have a personal Access code Following those alternatives you've got got a desire of your favored date and time to take the examination. My desire turned into to take it at domestic and I took the take a look at on March 24th, 2020. What assets did I use? Microsoft Azure unfastened account This is a unfastened azure account that incorporates a three AZ-900 Exam Free hundred and sixty five days validity. $2 hundred unfastened credit score is obtainable for the primary 30 days and greater than 25 merchandise are handy without cost afterwards. I turned into capable of byskip my AZ-900 assessments with out the want for a Microsoft Azure subscription. Microsoft Learn Platform for Azure Fundamentals 


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