Different methods of education

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This method is considered a middle way between the comprehensive method and the word segmentation method.

Different methods of education
Segmentation method
Speech segmentation in education is the oldest method used to teach children. The child begins by learning each letter separately and its sound, after that the letters are linked together to form syllables and the syllables are linked to form words, for example b + a = ba, ba + ba = baba.
This method is less used in schools, although it is used for children who have speech problems.

ورق عمل التربية البدنية والدفاع عن النفس الصف الأول التعليم المستمر الفصل الاول

comprehensive method
It depends on the information the child has previously learned.

The semi-comprehensive method
The most widely used method in schools is through which the child learns to associate words and pictures.
This method is considered a middle way between the comprehensive method and the word segmentation method.
If the child finished the primary stage and he is still stumbling in reading and understanding, the mother should consult the teachers so that she knows how to treat her child and what books are needed to teach the child.

Read more: https://www.alqabas.com/article/261085
