How to choose a web development team

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How to choose a web development team????

Choosing the right development team is not as easy as it seems. You can compare the development of a website with the construction of a house. If you hire unskilled foundation workers who use the wrong materials, your project will be in jeopardy. To avoid such situations in your software development, we share the most important aspects, starting from which, you will find the right command. If you need help developing enterprise software, feel free to contact . They will advise you on all your questions.

1. Pay attention to the team's portfolio
When choosing your future development team, it is important for you to assess their level of expertise. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand whether the team has enough experience to complete your project.

Therefore, the first step is to review the portfolio of your future team. In most cases, you will be able to evaluate the level of functionality and usability of ready-made sites, as well as their programming and design skills.

The agency's portfolio may include projects that meet your requirements and expectations. Moreover, you will learn more about the company's experience in a particular area.

In addition, you can visit company accounts on specialized platforms such as GitHub, Behance, and Dribbble.

2. Read company reviews on the Clutch platform
The best way to learn about working with an IT team is to read testimonials from previous clients. To do this, visit the Clutch website. This site specializes in collecting reviews of IT companies around the world.

These reviews will let you know if the team has worked on projects similar to yours. Also, you can check if your agency has any awards. A study like this will help you find out how popular the team is among peers in the field.

3. Ask for contacts of previous clients
All companies that have been around for a while have previous clients. You can ask for their contacts to chat with them directly. If previous clients are satisfied with working with your future team, then you are in safe hands. Otherwise, it is better to look for another team. Thanks to a short interview with previous clients, you will learn more about working with a future development team.

4. Evaluate the quality of the company's website
You can learn about a company's quality standards by researching its online presence. To do this, analyze the company's social media accounts, the website and the quality of the published content.

Pay attention to the design of the site, its features and the quality of the images. The website design of your future team should be modern. If a company ignores the latest trends, then it is unlikely to be able to create your project at the proper level.

5. How quickly does the company respond to your emails?
The speed of response to customer requests is another factor to consider when looking for a web development company. If you decide to work with a small team, then they may not have a sales team. In this case, you can contact the owner of the company. A small team can respond to your messages within 24-48 hours. If the team is interested in your project, then this is a good sign. Remember that without understanding your goals and objectives, your team will not be able to give you an accurate estimate of the project.
