Farm lightning protection

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Lightning may be a very destructive force, but measures can be taken to protect livestock, property and human life. Hire professionally trained personnel to design and install effective lightning protection systems on vulnerable buildings.


  1. The way lightning enters the building
  2. Lightning arrester
  3. Barbed wire grounding
  4. Points to note when encountering lightning


Lightning may be a very destructive force, but measures can be taken to protect livestock, property and human life. Hire professionally trained personnel to design and install effective lightning protection systems on vulnerable buildings. Install lightning arresters at all electrical service entrances of buildings to protect internal wiring and electrical equipment from surges caused by lightning strikes. Connect the subway wire fence to prevent harm to livestock and humans. Now only a small investment is needed to protect family members, farm workers, property and equipment from lightning strikes by using lightning protection products for farm lightning protection. The best way to eliminate side flashes caused by lightning strikes between metal bodies is to ground them together. This means that all electrical systems, telephone services, and grounding of underground metal pipes are connected to the farm's lightning protection system.


The way lightning enters the building

It can hit metal objects on the roof. It can hit buildings directly (called direct hits). It can hit a tree or silo near a building and jump onto the building. This happens when the building provides a simpler ground path. It can hit electrical wires or barbed wire fences and reach buildings along electrical wires or fences. A well-designed farm lightning protection system protects fragile structures, equipment, and trees by providing a convenient path to the ground, thereby eliminating electrical charges harmlessly. Through the use of lightning protection products for farm lightning protection, it provides protection for objects that may cause side flash due to lightning currents, such as wires or metal devices on the roof of a building. Depending on their location, some silos should be connected to the farm's lightning protection system. The protection can also be extended to trees near farm structures or trees that provide shelter for livestock. The main components of a building lightning protection system are lightning receptors, conductors, and grounding electrodes. 

Lightning arrester

When lightning strikes a power line, it spreads along the line and enters the wiring system of the building, causing a surge that may damage the wiring and electrical equipment. To prevent this from happening, lightning arresters should be installed at the external or internal service entrances where power services enter the building. The lightning arrester provides grounding in the main components of a building lightning protection system so that electrical surges will not enter the building. If a farm has several buildings with separate electrical service entrances, the farm's lightning protection system needs to be adjusted and installed accordingly.


Barbed wire grounding

When lightning strikes the fence, the ungrounded wire fence is very dangerous to livestock and humans near the fence. Lightning strikes can travel up to two miles along an ungrounded fence. The barbed wire supported by wooden or steel pillars in the concrete is not grounded. The best way to ground these fences is to place 1/2 or 3/4 inch steel rods or pipes close to the fence posts at least 5 feet deep into the ground, and no more than 150 feet apart along the fence. The ground rod in the lightning protection system of the farm should be firmly fixed so that all fence wires are in contact with the ground rod. It is also effective to replace wooden posts with galvanized steel fence posts at intervals not exceeding 150 feet. In the main components of a building lightning protection system, electric fences should not be grounded in the above-mentioned manner, because their circuits already contain grounding paths. 

Points to note when encountering lightning

In addition to use of lightning protection products for farm lightning protection, the following precautions should be taken to prevent lightning strikes during storms: stay away from indoor faucets, telephones, electrical appliances, and lamps. These objects are connected to outdoor conductors. Stay away from chimneys, fireplaces, and chimneys. Lightning usually hits the chimney and then becomes the path of lightning strikes. Do not leave a closed vehicle before the storm has passed. When there is no shelter available, look for a low place away from a lone tree or fence and lie down. 

Tags: Lightning protection products for farm lightning protection, farm lightning protection, main components of a building lightning protection system 

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