It's an important shift for the economic aspect of WoW

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World of Warcraft 's WoTLK Classic Gold Next Patch is expected to bring Auction House Changes and a New Trade Channel

World of Warcraft 's next patch will include two major changes to the ways certain items and services are sold in Azeroth with the introduction of regional items and a new trade channel.

In an announcement on the forum in a forum post, patch 9.2.7. which is currently being tested on the game's public test realm, will make the sale of consumable items like herbs, stones, and potions on the auction house within the game a one-time event that is not a server-specific one. Blizzard mentions that how the auction house functions or looks will not change, but that the region-wide changes will mean "way greater buyers and sellers" for specific commodities. A lot of other items, including armor and weapons, will still be server-specific.

It's an important shift for the economic aspect of WoW which has always been specific to servers. The existence of server-specific economies has allowed dedicated players to take advantage of market share, which is very difficult when players are forced to compete across all the servers in their region. However, the change should be a boon for smaller servers that don't have many things and consumables that they can choose from their own server-specific markets. The last major alteration to WoW's auction house was in 2020 during buy WoTLK Gold the Battle for Azeroth expansion, at the time Blizzard updated the user interface of the Auction House.
