Where does it end?

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Where does the Democratic witch hunt end?

I can't believe the vindictiveness of the left this past week!  People booted off a plane because they were overheard admiring President Trump.  Universities calling for Senators to be disbarred because they followed the correct process for disputing certified votes.  Social, Mainstream Media and other influencial Democrats calling for cleansing and/or internment camps for Trump supporters and/or their children.  

What is next? Is your Doctor or dentist  going to refuse to treat you if he or she finds out you voted for Trump?  Is your employer going to bypass you for that promotion or raise because you attended the Trump rally?  Or will you simply be fired without cause, because you work in a "employed at will" state?  Will your child start getting poor grades on subjective material at school because their parent is a Trump supporter?  Perhaps be denied a scholarship or entry into a college because of your or their beliefs?  Will they get kicked off the sports team for the same reason?  Will Emergency personnel refuse to do their job because they see Trump bumper on your car or a MAGA hat in your home?  Where does this end?  

A week ago, I would have thought this was paranoia, today I fear it is already a reality.
