Tylenol Class Action Lawsuits

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The brand name for acetaminophen, Tylenol, is one of the most well-known and often used over-the-counter medications. Acetaminophen holds a solitary, dominant place in pharmacology and medicine. Tylenol


Millions of individuals use Tylenol as a pain reliever and a fever reducer. The medication is also frequently used to treat headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, menstrual cramps, and moderate discomfort and fevers brought on by infections like the flu. The World Health Organization recommends Tylenol as a first-line pain reliever. The American Food and Drug Administration initially approved this medicine in 1951.

Acetaminophen is sold as an over-the-counter (OTC) medication in the United States in a number of dose forms, including ordinary (325 mg) and extra-strength (500 mg) oral tablets or capsules, oral liquids with fast release, chewable or orally disintegrating pills, and rectal suppositories. Acetaminophen (Ofirmev) is also offered by prescription in an intravenous (IV) version in the United States.

The journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology published the startling details about Tylenol and pregnancy in its September 2021 issue. The premise for the acetaminophen lawsuits is new scientific research that says taking Tylenol or generic acetaminophen while pregnant may increase the baby's risk of developing autism. Parents of autistic children filed lawsuits against Tylenol manufacturing corporations after reading the research study papers.

Under the supervision of Xiaobing Wang, M.D., and associates from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, the National Institutes of Health and the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality conducted their own study in October 2019.

The study found that using acetaminophen while pregnant was linked to an increased risk of autism and ADHD. The JPML certified the Tylenol autism class action case in New York on October 5, 2022. It will take into account any Tylenol lawsuits submitted to any federal court in the United States.

Several plaintiffs filed a petition for MDL consolidation, which was opposed by all defendants, including Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and other businesses involved in the production and distribution of the medicine. They contended that an MDL cannot be started without the involvement of each important defendant in the case. For strategic reasons, JJ has not been named as a defendant in any of the claims that lawyers are attempting to assemble into a Tylenol class action case. There are now 20 Tylenol autism cases pending in various federal districts.



