Fluoride in Water

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People have always tried to improve the conditions they have been living in, building big houses, implementing high-tech technologies and altering the chemical contend of the products to consume.

People have always tried to improve the conditions they have been living in, building big houses, implementing high-tech technologies and altering the chemical contend of the products to consume. The purpose of the paper shared by essayslab is to investigate the current policies that are related to fluoridation and see their rationale, weaknesses and strengths.

When conducting research of the current topic, it many contra versions concerning the topic in question have aroused, which are mostly related to the fact whether water must be fluoridated or not. Small range of everyday products such as water and toothpaste is purposely fluoridated in order to prevent dental decay.

Fluoride gets into the water by natural way, and research published by World Health Organization (WHO) in 1984 states that fluoride is good in fighting caries, but only if it is taken in a right amount. Unfortunately, the small amount that is added to water or toothpaste might be even an overdose to some individuals as it all depends on personal physical condition. For instance, if a person is exposed to poor calcium diet, the fluoride retention of the body can be increased. Mover, fluoride can even be present in the air (usually from phosphate fertilizers production or fluoride-containing fuels), which may cause severe toxic effect.

Therefore, the question whether fluoride is good or bad for health arises. On the contrary, many dental associations along with the governments of the majority of the countries still believe that the fluoridation policy is nothing but beneficial and medicinal. The American Dental Association explicitly endorses the community water supplies fluoridation as an effective, safe, and necessary in preventing and actually fighting tooth decay. It is viewed as a needed, cost-effective and beneficial measure of public health for preventing dental caries. The U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all communal water supplies, which might be below the optimum fluoride level, must be treated with fluoridation.

However, most advanced nations have made decisions not to fluoride their water or any other products. The 97 percent of Western Europe countries provide water without any fluoride added to it. Irrespective the fact that U.S. authorities still believe that fluoride in water can help to combat tooth decay, there is a proof by WHO that shows that there is no discernible difference in the tooth�s carries between those developed countries whose water contains fluoride to those developed countries whose water does not. Moreover, the negative effect of such a policy as treatment water with fluoride might cause some detrimental diseases . In many parts of the world the concentrations of natural fluoride and coal in groundwater are quite high, which have caused some diseases among local populations, such as a serious bone disease known as fluorosis. According to the survey done by the CDC, about 40 percent of teenages in America suffer from this disease. Floride is the unstudied disruptor, which can affect many organs of the human body, including the brain, bones, pineal gland, the thyroid gland, and even blood sugar levels. In addition, the main component that is added to water is fluoride chemical, which is different from naturally occurring compound. This might be a potential risk for infants as along with consumption of fluoridated tap water formula the amount of fluoride that comes to the babys body is about 100 times more than the recommended one. Besides, the concerns that are related to teeth, a developing brain of a child might be another target for fluoride toxicity. Some scientists even mention that constant fluoride consumption might have some effect on the persons cognitive capacities. The study was once conducted in China on a selected group of people who were drinking water with fluoride for their whole life and those who were not. The first one turned out to have the lower intelligence quotient (IQ) than those who drank water without fluoride.

To conclude, it should be said that there is a clear contravention between the current policy implemented by the government and the real situation. The consumption of fluoride might be helpful and harmful at the same time. The current policy of adding fluoride to water is rational as it is based on the official data provided by WHO, which states that it helps to combat tooth cavities and decay, its strength is in that it really works. However, its main weakness is about the unknown or vent unseen by the government detrimental effect of overdose.

