I know the fans want Kobe as 2K24

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I'm sure 23 2K MT jumps in everyone's head, however I'm sure that us placing Jordan on the cover was more of a message about the best of all time. We believed that this was the most amazing 2K in history, and so we were making the right impression by placing Jordan on the cover. This is the year of incredibleness, and we felt that Jordan was the right choice. We've certainly collaborated with LeBron in previous covers, and will continue to do so. He's a great friend of ours, but this was never Jordan for us.

I know the fans want Kobe as 2K24. Could there be a chance of it? Who knows? We're super excited about 2K23 currently. Twenty-four is a long way away that we're having these conversations now, and we'll just have to see.At when will you begin to think about how to prepare for the next one? It's not like you ever really move on. Naturally, the game is in the cycle for a few years. We've just released 2K22 content around a week two years ago.

The basketball world will be 24 hours a day, 365 days a week and with our sport, it's the true basketball. It should be exactly the same. You're asking me such as, when do we start thinking strategically about marketing covers and whatnot I'm thinking it's an ongoing debate, much like how we've had about 2K24 as well as 2K25. It's possible that this is how I can like answer a question that I'm pretty sure will be asked to Buy 2K MT me, which is about one of the questions that is on the Devin Booker cover right and how can we find Devin?
