What is user behavior?

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User behavior includes all the actions that visitors take on a website: where and what they click on, how they scroll down the page, where they stumble, and where they end up leaving the page and leaving.


User Activity Tracking gives you an inside look at how people are interacting with your site and what obstacles or hooks they experience in their journey as your https://creabl.com/service/session-recording  customers.

What is User Behavior Analytics (UBA)?
User behavior analytics (UBA) is a method of collecting, combining and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data about users to understand how users interact with a product or website and why.

Note. UBA is sometimes confused with UEBA (User and Object Behavior Analytics), which focuses more on cybersecurity and data protection, than conversion optimization; and behavioral analytics is sometimes confused with behavioral analytics, which focuses more on predicting user behavior than improving user experience (UX).

If you need answers to pressing business questions like "Why do people come to my site?" or "Why are they leaving?" traditional analytics alone can tell you that quantitative activity is happening, but cannot give you any "why". This is where user behavior analytics comes in, with tools to help you get a complete picture of user behavior:
