What is gravity die casting?

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Gravity die casting, also known as permanent die casting, is a typical die casting technique used to manufacture high-quality metal parts with low melting points, such as aluminum and zinc alloys. In gravity die casting, molten metal is poured from a ladle into a mold, then gravity fills t

Gravity die casting, also known as permanent die casting, is a typical die casting technique used to manufacture high-quality metal parts with low melting points, such as aluminum and zinc alloys. In gravity die casting, molten metal is poured from a ladle into a mold, then gravity fills the mold cavity and rapidly solidifies to achieve a metal part. Due to rapid solidification, the process has better surface finish and better mechanical properties than sand casting.

Unlike other casting methods, gravity die casting is simply pouring molten metal into a mold without applying any additional pressure. Also, gravity die casting can use metal and sand cores, called semi-permanent die casting, to increase the complexity of the design. It is the perfect choice for applications that require a solution between sand casting and high pressure die casting. Gravity die casting requires lower mold costs than high pressure die casting, but is more durable than sand casting using steel molds. A mold is a permanent form consisting of two halves.
