Role of Women and Men in Society

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Sherman Joseph Alexie is a well-known writer, poet and film maker. A lot of his writings are aimed at drawing the picture of his experiences as a Native American who grew up during the Spokane Indian Revolution.

Sherman Joseph Alexie is a well-known writer, poet and film maker. A lot of his writings are aimed at drawing the picture of his experiences as a Native American who grew up during the Spokane Indian Revolution. He talks about his childhood experiences and the way he went through “gorgeous loneliness and splendid isolation as a kid.” He was born on October 7th, 1966, therefore he is forty seven years old. He has won a couple of awards that include American Book Awards and the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction. Some of his movies include Smoke Signals and The Business of Fancy Dancing. I even asked my personal writer to write me a speech about Sherman. I adore his personality and would like to know more about him.

The author in his publications shows clearly that men in his childhood were given more preference over women. It was a rather chauvinistic culture where only men had the rule of law and women and their children were expected to subject to this rule. He portrays the culture as a rotten one where women and girls are not given even a chance to participate in education. The boy child is considered more important than the girl child. The only advantage fathers see in their daughters is the fact that they will at some point be married off and the family will receive a hefty bride price for this.

The main role of women is to stay at home and take care of the families: give birth, take care of young ones and do household hold chores. Women are not given any priority in the society. Their decision and opinion does not count since men know everything owing to the fact that they have undergone education. This culture does not spare the girl child also and she is supposed to stay at home with her mother and learn from her way of taking care of the family in preparation for her to get married some time.

Men, on the other hand, are the rule-makers of the land. Most decisions depend on what they agree and what they want. Putting forward their personal interests and expecting each and every one to adhere to them. They engage themselves in economic activities like farming, carpentry, masonry and even the army. This is because they are the bread winners of the families and therefore have to fend for their wives and young ones. Back at home, they demand respect from wives and children. They play crucial rules in their homes and anyone who disobeys them is bound to get punished.

The author portrays a culture that is viewed to be archaic and uncivilized in modern days. The culture practices gender imbalance and women suffer from gender discrimination. They are subjected to wife battery and the community is not supposed to intervene in family matters. The children who grow up in such a culture end up being just like their fathers if they are boys and demean women. If they are girls they end up having a negative attitude towards men and this may result in them never getting married.

Gone are the days when men were the only policy makers in the society. In the society we live in today, men and women have equal chances in this life. It is common to see women now getting involved in activities that were long ago only preferred to men. Women have taken up their role in the society and these days they even compete for chances in jobs with men and they end up being successful. In the world nowadays, gender inequality is a historic thing and the chances are deemed to serve every gender without discrimination. That is the civilized world in which we live in.

