It prevented players from changing difficulty

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It prevented players from changing difficulty while Echoing Nightmare is active.Fixed a glitch that Boon of the Hoarder could allow gold to drop in Echoing Nightmares.Fixed an issue where the Orek's Dream vignette is sometimes not visible on Shrouded Moors and Festering Woods when yo

It prevented players from D2R Items changing difficulty while Echoing Nightmare is active.Fixed a glitch that Boon of the Hoarder could allow gold to drop in Echoing Nightmares.Fixed an issue where the Orek's Dream vignette is sometimes not visible on Shrouded Moors and Festering Woods when you are not at level 1.

Fixed a bug that caused Orek's Dream opening VFX to display inconsistently.Shely said the ability to extract power from legendary items (previously mentioned in the Diablo IV quarterly update) and use them in other items "really gives you the opportunity to alter your equipment." Fergusson confirmed that view.

"That has changed the game," Fergusson said. "This is the truth. We don't speak about it enough. In past games, you would grab one of these shields that contained this thing that would make"call" two more skeleton mages.'

Then you think, 'Oh I've got to continue with this...My build requires two extra mages.' Then eventually, your level will exceed it and I'm not looking to sacrifice the shield. I'm willing to carry this shield even if it's weaksince I'm interested in this ability."

This isn't the case with Diablo IV. There, players are able to transfer legendary power around using an NPC called the Occultist in the event that an item with greater stats has been identified. Players will have the ability to transform uncommon items into legendary ones , too.

"And in the spirit that you could hold on to your character and being able to truly customize your character's appearance through the use of legendary powers, taking them from one area and transforming them into Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Items something else, that fundamentally changes the build system," Fergusson said.
