Beovu Lawsuits: What You Should Know Before Taking The drug

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Beovu lawsuits assert that the drug's creator failed to warn consumers and healthcare providers about potential negative ocular consequences. Those who used Beovu and had vision loss, retinal vasculitis, occlusi

To treat wet age-related macular degeneration, doctors prescribe Beovu (AMD). Wet AMD is a long-term eye condition that results in visual blurriness or blind spots. Beovu is an injection-only medication made by Novartis, a Swiss pharmaceutical company. On October 7, 2019, the FDA approved Beovu. Beovu injections caused a rare and severe inflammatory disease in some patients' eyes just nine months after the FDA approved them.

Serious Beovu side effects might affect your vision suddenly or slowly over several days. These extensive visual alterations can cause discomfort but occasionally don't. The American Society of Retinal Specialists conducted a safety study to see whether taking these injections raised the likelihood of acquiring occlusive retinal vasculitis's potentially dangerous side effects five months after the medicine was approved.

Their research resulted in 14 incidences of eye damage and 11 diagnoses of occlusive retinal vasculitis in Beovu recipients. The investigations that have connected Beovu to greater possibilities of severe vision loss have made it difficult to determine the product's safety.

On June 11, 2020, the FDA updated the Beovu warning label material, highlighting the potential for retinal vasculitis and retinal vascular occlusion following the injection. Doctors were told to tell patients that if their vision changed, they should contact Beovu right away. After releasing a year's worth of results from Phase III research, Novartis unexpectedly ended two further safety trials in May 2021 due to the identification of Beovu's link to ocular inflammation and other problems.

Beovu lawsuits alleging blindness and visual impairment are now filing against Novartis. Because of this, it is premature to extrapolate the potential settlement amount of the Beovu visual loss claim by comparing it to awards in other cases with comparable injuries.

The patient's medical history and a thorough ophthalmological examination will be the critical pieces of evidence in the Beovu litigation. You can get assistance from LezDo techmed with the crucial task of evaluating your medical records. We are doing medical record reviews for lawsuits like sunscreen lawsuits, Gardasil lawsuits, Truvada lawsuits, paraquat lawsuits, vaccine lawsuits, etc.

How much Beovu cases are worth depends on many factors, including the plaintiff's level of pain and suffering, past and future medical expenses, if the plaintiff lost their capacity to make money or had their income reduced, and these factors combined. For instance, someone blind would likely receive more significant compensation for pain and suffering due to visual loss than someone who is only partially impaired.




