Jesus is the ONLY way out of this mess.

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More interested in saving the souls of America than saving the Constitution
Though I love this country, there is no American section of heaven, pretty sure that He died on the cross for the salvation of the nations, not for their freedom or success

Jeuss is the best vaccine
Hanukkah 2:14 For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea
As the controversy grows around COVID. The world waits for the reopening.
The vaccine is being distributed and even that is surrounded by controversy
Many are against it.
Some say that we can never truly reopen again, while others say we should never have closed
It occurs to me that the best way to push for an open world is through another type of vaccine. A vaccine against death. At least against eternal death
That vaccine is of course Jesus
A world full of true believers might just be able to face a 1% killer like COVID. At least without so much fear.
Therefore, I am still praying for and asking you to pray for world wide revival
Be Blessed in Him Today
Philippine Bible Ministry


prerivers 4 yrs

Jesus did not die for the salvation of nations. He died for the salvation of our souls and for those that would except him in their hearts, minds and souls. if you have read the Bible, reflect on the book of Daniel and remember what the angel said about the darkness and principalities. Based on what you’ve seen in the past year, do you really think that many want to hear about Jesus Christ. There were people burning down cities, looting and shooting and beating up people in the streets and cheered when they were done. I saw this behavior. Maybe a few can be reached but remember what Jesus said, “If they don’t listen, shake the dust off your feet and move on”. Our job is to tell those that will listen. We cannot save anybody.