Being an SEO Expert is a Profession. How to Become a Search Engine Expert?

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An SEO expert from an SEO company is always the center of attention of those who start working in web marketing.


In reality, the acronym of SEO corresponds to search engine optimization. It is a complex process that refers to the optimization of websites based on search engine guidelines. It is an infinite matter which is part of the SEM (search engine marketing) universe and cannot be carried out by a single person.

Who Works in SEO?

The question is legitimate for those starting to operate in the digital marketing universe and have little knowledge about online search results.

To work in SEO, you must gather extensive insights into the world of search engine optimization. It defines the strategy one must follow to position the site (blog, portal, e-commerce) based on queries useful for the customer's objectives. The SEO expert can operate on different fronts, ever wider and with indefinite borders.

The Evolution of SEO, Risks, and Difficulties

Over the years, the world of search engines has become increasingly complex to embrace areas that previously relied solely and exclusively on other professionals. For example, the user experience. Today, the satisfaction of the user, who loads pages in a few seconds and uses the various elements from the mobile phone, is linked to positioning.

Think about the activities to get inbound links or the structure of a complex website like an eCommerce. So, this expert represents a figure who understands every aspect of the process and is capable of working with professionalism, highlighting results, and reducing risks.

Why is SEO so Important for a Business?

SEO is a critical element that can help your company to emerge and be known online: and you know that today the vast majority of customers do online searches if they are looking for products or services.

Thanks to SEO, it's easier:

  • To find keywords that are relevant to the business. It allows you to technically optimize the site using the keywords most searched online by your target.
  • To increase your brand awareness, helping you to make yourself known and making it easier for people to search for you. However, increasing awareness also means expanding the brand's authority by improving reviews and favorable judgments on the product or service you sell.
  • It also improves the value of your brand. The SEO strategy is excellent for marketing. It also allows you to potentially increase the value of your brand, especially if, thanks to an adequate SEO strategy, you can reach first place among the search engines.
  • For example, SEO copywriting is also paramount when planning a company's website. The goal of SEO copywriting is to position the texts on the search engine in the best possible way, to be easily found on Google by customers, to be first on Google, and also to provide quality texts that are useful for those who find them.

Thanks to SEO, you are no longer passive but can be actively found on the web, thus improving your business opportunities. It is why every company, even small ones, should always focus and invest in SEO to improve their online presence and give themselves greater authority in the face of potential customers. Today, the SEO investment for a company has no more reason to wait and has become a fundamental step for any business.

What is an SEO Company?

An SEO company like GAMITSEO is a web agency that mainly deals with web marketing and has internally inserted and trained specific figures dedicated to optimization and positioning on search engines.

Not all web agencies provide SEO consultancy and services. Many stops at the creation of the website or preferably use paid promotion solutions such as Google ADS, while others talk about it, but they know very little about it.

So, to avoid taking anything for granted, continue reading to understand how experts in SEO and SEO companies work. It will allow you to select a partner with the characteristics and essential SEO marketing requirements.

SEO Manager for Campaign Management

One of the most influential figures in this sector is linked to the grassroots organization. It would be best if you had a link-building specialist, an expert in keyword research and site structure.

Or better yet, you need an SEO manager. That is to say, a person with generic skills that is capable of embracing the entire universe of search engine optimization.

He may be inclined to a particular industry. Still, his most important skill is allowing the business to move in a specific direction, not just about positioning but about getting the right people to the site with all the valuable tools.

SEO Expert vs SEM Expert

In the beginning, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) was the set of internet marketing activities designed to bring as many visitors as possible to a web page. Over time this term has taken on a more specific connotation, so much so that, in everyday use, SEM today means the set of paid promotion techniques and activities of a website that allows you to purchase the best of these through an auction system placement in the search results.

In other words, the various advertisers compete to win "indirectly" a slice of the users who search for certain words or phrases ("the so-called keywords"), offering the search engine a given sum for each click, according to a mechanism called "Pay per Click".

The main difference between an SEO specialist and an SEM specialist is that in the first case, the web traffic is not obtained by sponsoring a search key but by optimizing every aspect relating to a website. This also means its architecture so that the search engine can give it the best possible score among the first results. Search Engine Optimization specialist focuses on organic traffic and the control of keywords considered strategic.

Despite their differences, these two disciplines are similar and complementary: SEM ensures results in the short term but is more volatile. At the same time, SEO is a long-term activity, guaranteeing stable and lasting results. As you have seen, mastering them means making a decisive contribution to the visibility of content or website, which is why the trades related to them are among companies' most requested digital professions. In the following paragraphs, we will analyze these professional figures in more detail.

How to Become an SEO Expert

Anyone who wishes to become an SEO expert and work in this sector must seek information on the strategies needed for website optimization. In time, through expertise, he will acquire the skills necessary to run a successful campaign. The path to follow is complex, not simple.

But how to become an SEO? Indeed, the way forward is divided into three main strands.

  1. First, you must start working in a company that operates in the digital world as a junior figure to get the right apprenticeship and grasp the trade secrets of those with a good business.
  2. In the second place, you should start a blog and start working on positioning. Test every method, challenge every limit, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. And learn from everything that happens. Even if the site collapses, it's not a problem: you did this on your domain to avoid damaging customers.
  3. In third place, there is training. Some buy books dedicated to search engine optimization and web copywriting, while others read industry blogs and sign up for free and paid webinars.

Primary Takeaways

  • An SEO specialist from the best SEO company is a professional figure who deals with the positioning of websites in search engines. An SEO specialist is essential for companies that want to improve their visibility in the natural search results (also called organic) that search engines release following a search made by users.
  • The goal of an SEO professional is to bring honest and qualified traffic from online searches carried out on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex, or Baidu, to name the most important.
  • Doing SEO consultancy in an SEO company means focusing the activity on search engines, first of all, Google, which will allow you to get more natural traffic (not for a fee) through positioning specific keywords on the first pages of the search engine.

A website, e-commerce, or a beautiful and well-kept blog is not enough today. Suppose the site and the topics covered are not displayed on the first page of Google for the related keywords that bring traffic and conversions. In that case, potential customers need SEO services to improve the website’s visibility. In this case a good SEO company might be the best solution. This team of professionals will help with every aspect related to online optimization. Obtaining better visibility in search engines is, in fact, essential for increasing visits to the site, which can lead people to learn more about the project and the brand and consequently increase sales and revenues from advertising.
