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Love is a two-way expression. Don't think that you have to do all the talking. Listen to what the Master is saying! But don't expect to hear a voice in your head! Expect to hear it in the Word, and in your spirit. Take the Bible, study and meditate on its truths, and then "talk over" the Scriptures with your Master.


“Let the Word of Messiah dwell in you richly, in all wisdom teaching and exhorting yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to Elohim.” “So, then faith comes from hearing, and the hearing and understanding comes through the Word of Elohim.” (Colossians 3:16. Romans 10:17)


We can say that true love also comes by the Word of Messiah (Christ), for true love cannot be separated from truth. And "Your Word is truth!" (Psalm 119:160). So, dwell with the Master in His Word, and your love relationship will deepen day by day as He desires.


The SONG OF SONGS is a deep passage on which we should meditate. It gives us a glimpse of the love of the Heavenly Bridegroom for His Beloved. It gives us some idea of how much the Bride means to Him. He says:


“How beautiful you are, my darling.

How beautiful you are!

Your eyes are like doves behind your veil;

You are altogether beautiful, my darling,

And there is no blemish in you ...


You have made my heart beat faster, my bride;

You have made my heart beat faster

with a single glance of your eyes ...


How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride!

How much better is your love, than wine.

And the fragrance of your oils than all kinds of spices!” (Song of Songs 4:1:7-10)


Here is the praise of the Bridegroom for the Bride. Here the Lover of our souls is speaking about us, dear believer. He is speaking about you and me. How wonderful!


He calls me His beloved, His darling. He says I am beautiful. Oh. how can it be that I should be beautiful in His eyes?


It’s because I am clothed in His righteousness. Yes, I have been cleansed by His Blood, and He has made me spotless; He has made me beautiful.


And look at the effect I have upon Him. I make His heart beat faster and faster. Oh, He truly loves me. He loves the thought of me. He loves the upward glance of my eyes. Oh, I never realized that I meant so much to Him.


He calls me His sister, His Bride. Yes, I am His sister, for His Father is my Father. I am His Bride, for the Father chose me before the world began, to be part of His Bride.


What a privilege! Yes, I must respond to this amazing love. Yes, I must love Him with all my heart. He loved me; He bought me; He won me; He draws me to Him; He captivates me with His love.


Oh love that will not let me go,


I cannot close my heart to You,


I give You back the life I owe,


That from the depths of Your great love,


My love may richer, fuller be.


This is the love experience that could be the sublime joy of all believers if they but yielded their all to the Redeemer Master Y’shua Messiah and dwelt in His Presence and became enraptured by His love.


Alas, so often it seems the Beloved must wait silently, disappointedly, for believers to respond to His call of love. He calls, but there is little response of hearts beating faster at His initiatives.


It may be that many believers have never realized their privileged Bride-Bridegroom relationship. It may be that many do not realize they may experience such an intimate relationship with their Heavenly Bridegroom.


Some of us believers, maybe, have not learned to love! Some of us feel shy at expressing love, having been conditioned by a non-emotional environment. Some of us feel that emotion in worship is not appropriate. Maybe we have become so bound by our congregation (church) tradition and practices, that we rarely communicate with the Master Y’shua. We may feel that speaking to the Redeemer should be so formal that it allows no place for intimacy. And some of us just cannot understand how we human beings can have such a love relationship with the MASTER in glory.


“"And answering, he said, You shall love YAHWEH your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind," and "your neighbor as yourself."” Luke 10:27


This is a spiritual experience, but it is real, and it involves our soul (the mind and emotions), and the spirit.


“With all our strength” means enthusiastically, or whole-heartedly.


Let us not think that the soul is irrelevant, or evil. The soul is simply a vessel or instrument, to express the desires of the spirit, and the mind. If the spirit communes with the Master, it will do so through the medium of the mind and soul. Let us not be afraid of emotions. The Redeemer Master Y’shua had emotions. (He would not be truly man if He did not have). Look at the times the Master wept. Look at the times when His heart leapt for souls ... the rich young ruler, for instance.


“A man came running, and knelt before Him, and asked Him, ‘Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ ...


“Then Y’shua, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, ‘One thing you lack; go and sell all you possess, and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me, taking up the cross.’ But at these words his face fell and he became gloomy, and he went away grieved, for he had many possessions.


“Then Y’shua, looking around, said to His disciples, ‘How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of Elohim!’” Mark 10:17, 21-23


Another reason why we do not experience a deeper love relationship, is because we fail to take time to cultivate it. We fail to give time to the Presence of the Bridegroom.


“Give me your heart, your affection, my son.” Proverbs 23:26


Whatever the reasons, our failure to respond to the persistent love of Y’shua Messiah, brings disappointment to Him, as we see in Malachi 1:2:


“‘I have loved you,’ says YAHWEH. But you said, ‘In what way have You loved us?’”


