Pros and Cons of Dealing a Personal Injury Lawsuit Without a Lawyer

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Find the pros and cons of pursuing a personal injury lawsuit without the help of an attorney. Decide how to proceed with your claim.

Personal injury lawsuits are pursued in various scenarios like a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, wrongful death, workplace accident, boating accident, dog bite, etc. Many personal injury claims can be resolved even without filing a lawsuit. It occurs via settlement outside the court. The claimant can also present a personal injury lawsuit without the support of a personal injury lawyer. Since you are on your own, you must learn every detail of the personal injury litigation under such circumstances.

Victims who are represented by an attorney are more likely to receive a higher settlement offer. If you choose to handle your personal injury claim, the insurance company will certainly offer you a small settlement. A personal injury lawyer safeguards the claimant from bad faith insurance tactics, the stress of dealing with an injury claim, and mistakes that could jeopardize the chances of achieving a reasonable payout. A claimant needs to have the resources to hire the best experts to support the claim, especially in medical chart reviews.

Collecting the necessary evidence is a vital step in any injury claim. The evidence may include photographs of the injury scene, damages of the vehicle, physical injuries, and the treatment undergone by the claimant. When a personal injury attorney represents the personal injury lawsuit, the task of collecting the clinical proof to back up the claim would be easily done by their resources like medical record review services.

Dealing with a personal injury claim without a lawyer requires expertise and knowledge on the statute of limitations of the state. The other side of the coin is that the claimant can cut down the cost of the contingency fees paid to a lawyer when he deals with the case independently. Despite the physical injuries and emotional distress, the claimant would have to take care of the paper works within the deadlines. He must be crystal clear about the defendant's fault. To make the personal injury case stronger and to achieve a suitable claim on his own without an attorney, he must have a few testimonies on his side.

Calculating the damages, preparing accurate demand letters, gathering evidence of the damages via medical record review, claiming loss of income and expenses for future treatment, etc. would be an arduous task for a claimant. However, every individual can carry forward with the personal injury lawsuit despite the limitations. The claimant needs to be careful with the personal injury timeline and learn the civil laws applicable to present his personal injury claim.



