How to take proper care of your dog?

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How to take proper care of your dog?

Caring for a dog is the first thing future pet owners should think about. How to properly walk, wash and feed your pet? What vaccinations should I get, and how often should I visit my veterinarian?Getting a dog into the house is a crucial step that begins with preparation. Your puppy needs a personal space to play, as well as a place to eat and rest. Also, think about safety: wires, furniture, corners are all of interest to the puppy. By the way, during quarantine, playing with animals helps children to pass the time easier.Having prepared the apartment for the appearance of a pet, the future owner should think about the main thing - care. The basis of this process is feeding, walking, veterinary control and hygiene, as well as training . Let's consider each aspect in more detail.


The main mistake most dog owners make is feeding homemade food. It is even worse when the pet is treated to treats that a person considers tasty: sugar, chocolate, sausage. The best food for an animal is specialized feed and treats. And the dog should be taught to them from childhood.


You need to walk the dog twice a day, at least in the morning and in the evening, especially when it comes to large breeds. Due to the developed muscles, they need a lot of physical activity, which means that walks should be longer. Small dogs, on the contrary, do not require many hours of walking. Usually after 5-10 minutes, they ask to go home themselves. You can buy any type of accessory for your dog at BitchNewYork. This could be a toothbrush, a hairbrush, and so on.


Every dog ​​should know the commands "fu" and "to me", which are often used in everyday life. You can train a dog both independently and with the help of a specialist. Of course, if you have no training experience, it is better to immediately contact a professional, especially when it comes to large dogs.

Veterinary control and hygiene

In addition to a balanced diet and physical activity, a dog's health also depends on a timely visit to a veterinarian. The animal needs a veterinary passport, in which all vaccinations must be noted. In addition, it is recommended to visit the clinic once every six months for a routine examination.

Dog hygiene rules

Hair care. If your dog is a long-haired dog, it should be brushed every two to three days with a special comb. Short-haired dogs can be brushed once a week during the molt period and two to three times a month in between. When brushing your pet, pay attention to the condition of the skin. Call your doctor if you find redness or growth.Another point in grooming your coat is bathing your dog. It is recommended to do this as needed. Purchase a special dog shampoo as other products can cause irritation and allergic reactions.Dental care. Caring for your dog's teeth involves brushing regularly with a special toothpaste. Hard pet treats will also help get rid of plaque.
Nail care. Particular attention should be paid to the pet's claws , especially if you are the owner of a decorative breed or a dwarf dog in which they grow quickly. It is advisable that  a specialist cuts the claws since this is a rather traumatic process.Caring for a dog is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Attentiveness, patience and love for your pet are your main assistants in this matter.

What is the right way to brush your dog's teeth?

Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to carefully prepare. First, you need to think about what you need for this. For routine cleansing of the mouth, you will need the simplest hygienic kit:
Special toothbrush. Of course, if you don’t have one,a human will do. But a dog's brush has a much softer pile, as well as a special configuration, designed for the peculiarities of the structure of its mouth. Toothpaste for dogs. The usual one will not work for one simple reason - the dog will swallow, if not whole, then most of the product. For tetrapods, this can be toxic. A range of targeted pastes can be found in retail and online stores. They are designed to be able to enter the digestive tract of a dog, so they are completely harmless. There is also a pleasant bonus - an attractive aroma for a pet (for example, liver or chicken). Thimble brush for gum massage. This will make  ull blood flow possible to the gums, which means it will prolong the life of the teeth. Read more about it here.