Is America Lost?

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What we have here is a failure to think rationally...

Many pundits and analysts anticipated a “red wave” in this year’s mid-term elections. Instead, it turned out to be a disappointing dribble.

Many of the media’s talking heads blame Trump, the Republican strategy, white supremacists, and the alleged cheating schemes.

But they would be wrong...

That is not the reason that Republicans did so poorly. It goes much deeper than that. So deep and appallingly pervasive that America itself may already be irreversibly lost.

Why? Three things come to mind...

Young Voters

Today’s Democrat Party is attracting young voters in a way that it historically has not... at least not until the last few elections. Voters under 30 voted significantly more for Democrats than other age groups. Democrats lost every age bracket of the electorate 45 years and older by at least 7 points and did especially poorly among those 65 and older.

You can credit leftist-run schools for turning these useful idiots (a term popularized by communist leader Vladimir Lenin) out in droves, primed to poison the pool of eligible voters. These foolish youthful voters are okay with socialism because they are not taught its deadly history of failure in high schools or colleges… but instead have been spoon-fed its lies. They have no respect for our history or those who sacrificed their lives for our country. They are oblivious to the long-term consequences of their votes. They have been unwittingly brainwashed to believe that America is a racist and oppressive country. They are easily deceived by clickbait headlines, buzzwords, and empty slogans because neither public schools nor their parents have taught them any critical thinking skills.

As today’s older voters pass away (those who can still recall America at its best), they will be replaced by these useful idiots.

Young Single Women

Available exit polls show that nearly 70% of single women voted for Democrats this time... a significant margin over the Republican Party. The Democrats have capitalized on the destruction of the nuclear family over the last two generations. In the 1950s, the marriage rate among American households was at its highest, with nearly 80% of households consisting of married couples. By 2020 that number had dropped to only 48%.

Studies suggest single women vote Democrat more often than married women because they depend on a single income (often welfare), have distorted opinions about social issues like abortion and pre-marital sex, and foolishly agree with the LGBTQ agenda.

This demographic trend will not be America’s friend as we head into the future.

So-Called “Evangelicals”

In my latest book, Deceived No More, I cited three societal restraints that have been eroding since the 1960s... Government (now corrupt), family values (now disappearing), and churches (now becoming like the world).

Many of these “churches” now openly embrace abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism as acceptable behaviors. They are putting drag queens in the pulpit and grooming children to be open to the LGBTQ agenda. It’s coming from pastors who are rabid wolves in shepherd’s clothing, cruelly deceiving their congregations every Sunday. (See my recent post, “Church Rot Update: Pastors Mocking God”) Their message appeals to people who want no restraints on their behavior. Many who attend these churches don’t want to hear that there is a God who will hold them accountable for their actions. Instead, they worship themselves at the altar of narcissistic self-love.

An increasing number of churches, including Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation, and several Lutheran and Methodist congregations, have become spiritual harlots and an abomination before God. At the same time, the silence of God’s true church in these times is deafening.

Many fake Christians will continue to vote for Democrats under the guise of smarmy “love and tolerance”, while other evangelicals stayed home on election day because they don’t think they should get involved in politics. Even though a third of Montana residents consider themselves “Christians”, Montana voters rejected the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act this past week. It would have required medical professionals to perform lifesaving medical care on infants who survived abortions or were born prematurely... in other words, they voted to let them die on a table cruelly.

The measure failed by about 20,000 votes. The population of Montana is slightly over 1,000,000 people. Those self-described Christians who opted to stay home with the TV remote in one hand and a big bowl of ice cream in the other, for all practical purposes, approved of this evil. They could have easily defeated it but chose not to.

How Can This Happen?

Sadly, many younger people have been deceived by schools, the media, culture, and these so-called churches to the point of having reprobate minds that reject all truth. Many of their parents are nearly as clueless, making the problem a generational one.

Their reprobate minds no longer properly function because God has given them over to their own foolishness. As a result, they become highly offended when exposed to the truth and automatically label it hateful.

They foolishly believe that everything is subjective as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Essentially, they’ve lost the ability to think rationally.

(How else can one explain the election of Democrat John Fetterman in Pennsylvania?)

Democrats wouldn’t stand a chance, even with cheating, if the vote ran 80-20 against them. But as long as vast numbers of clueless people make the margin of victory small enough, elections can be stolen... and America will be lost.

This is a spiritual issue, not a political or electoral one. Those who have reprobate minds will increasingly support corrupt and self-serving candidates on both sides of the aisle...

Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind so that they do what ought not to be done. (Romans 1:28)
