All you have to know about auto disks

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Auto disks, sale of auto disks, classification of auto disks, purchase of auto disks

Classification of auto disks

Rims are just as crucial to a car's appearance as a person's shoes are to him (the analogy is almost complete). A pretty worn-out "suit" can be revived by neat, polished "shoes". Aesthetes are very meticulous in this regard as a result. However, every accessory serves a variety of utilitarian purposes in addition to its aesthetic value. The wheel (amg wheels mercedes) secures the car's movement by connecting it to the road. Through the pneumatic tire, it can detect every bump and change in the road's profile.
A good design, sensible fuel consumption, longer transmission life, and road safety are all benefits of choosing the right rims.

Wheel rims can be identified by the fact that they belong to a specific car, by the style of the wheels, and by the manufacturing process.

By manufacturing technology:

  • steel rims
  •  light-alloy (cast and forged) rims

By design:

  • collapsible
  • non-separable (one-, two-, three-component); in collapsible wheels, the disk and the rim are interconnected by threaded connections.

Steel rims

The majority of people currently use them. They are made up of a steel sheet rim with a disk (plate) attached to it. Steel autodisks are used to finish most cars at the assembly lines.


  • low price;
  •  the possibility of recovery after crushing, because upon impact they do not burst, but crumple.


  •  a lot of weight;
  • limited design options;
  • low corrosion resistance due to the quality of the coating (the lowest corrosion resistance of discs coated with enamel and electrophoresis).

Alloy wheels

They are forged or cast from alloys based on aluminum and magnesium. They excel steel in several ways. An alloy wheel's primary function is to increase the appeal of your car. Additionally, cast rims lighten the load on the wheel, which enhances ride comfort, boosts driving safety, and lessens wear on the suspension system's components. Vibrations are completely eliminated when the geometry and balancing are perfect. Typically, when a car is sold again, the money spent on a set of alloy wheels is reimbursed.
The two types of alloy wheels are cast and forged.

Forged wheels

They are forged or cast from alloys based on aluminum and magnesium. They excel steel in several ways. An alloy wheel's primary function is to increase the appeal of your car. Additionally, cast rims lighten the load on the wheel, which enhances ride comfort, boosts driving safety, and lessens wear on the suspension system's components. Vibrations are completely eliminated when the geometry and balancing are perfect. Typically, when a car is sold again, the money spent on a set of alloy wheels is reimbursed.
The two types of alloy wheels are cast and forged.

However, there are other considerations besides purely technical ones when purchasing autodiscs.  advise you to toss out the extremes right away: Cast and forged magnesium wheels are uncommon; typically, they are only produced upon request for sports cars. Magnesium can cost up to $1,000 per piece.
