3 main pieces of advice on how to make your Instagram page flourish in 2022

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Today the competition amongst bloggers on this social media platform is crazy, but some help can be found as well – this article is going to be especially helpful to novices, who have no idea where to look for support and/or professional help.

Today the competition amongst bloggers on this social media platform is crazy, but some help can be found as well – this article is going to be especially helpful to novices, who have no idea where to look for support and/or professional help. Even if you’re new, there is a place on IG for you: you just need to figure out which promotional methods work and which don’t. We’re going to explain why it is always a good idea to buy Instagram followers for your page, what you shouldn’t do to not waste your time in vain and what, on the other hand, you should always be doing to constantly grow an audience. 


Don’t spend your time on free promotional hacks – they don’t work


Some people claim that you still can reach great results by simply following and liking people who might be potentially interested in your content. This is a myth that somehow has survived, but is very far from the truth. Times have changed, today nobody is ready to spend their time checking out a blogger or a brand that’s being annoying with their mutual following requests’ attempts, or mass liking. People read only those pages which they find helpful and amusing, and it stops there. So, if you want to actually push your page through the row of lookalike pages and prove that it is indeed better, you can only rely on paid services. 


Buy Instagram followers, everybody does it 


One of the best ways to do so would be to buy real Instagram followers for your page – these can create a very steady and reliable base for your future promotion; with them you will be able to assure people who are coming to your from the targeted ad or from the bloggers’ PR that your page’s content is actually worth checking out and subscribing to. Plus, you can not only acquire followers, but also take on thumbs up and comments (or anything else that you find most convenient) to achieve a more balanced and successful look of the profile. 


Always have a targeted ad running 


After you have built up the base, you can proceed to using other promotional methods, such as a targeted ad and PR from bloggers (it can be free, if mutual, or paid, if they are telling their audience about you). Anyhow, targeted ads should be the base of your permanent promotional process – yes, this is surely not a one-time thing. These sometimes take a lot from the budget, but you can vary the audience reach from time to time to save some money. Make the reach narrower, but never stop the ad completely – this way you can stay sure that your profile is going to get some growth anyways, no matter the current situation with PR or any other actions you make in terms of widening your audience. 




If you’re here for the results, for the big growth and astonishingly wide audience, never rely on the free options that some people claim are helpful, but get ready to invest some dollars into your future account’s success. However, keep in mind that none of it is going to work if you won’t be putting your own efforts and creativity into profile’s management. 

