the child learns how to express

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ime away from his parents, as this represents the seed

At this stage, the child learns how to express himself creatively, meet new friends and, above all, spend time away from his parents, as this represents the seed of their self-reliance. In planning for preparatory programming, it is necessary to realize what the child's needs are, as fun and learning must be combined at every moment. There is no room for underestimating this important educational stage.


ورق عمل مواد الدين اول متوسط الفصل الاول

What he receives in pre-school education (early education) is the opening of his knowledge world. It is necessary for the teacher of this stage to create a welcoming atmosphere for the students of this stage, which allows them to learn while playing. Recent studies have shown that the early experiences of the child have a strong and specific effect on the nature of his growth, and this effect is not on the traditional level of mental (cognitive) development. Not only, but it goes beyond it to the level of directing

ورق عمل مواد الدين ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول

the use of complex brain cells in the child and activating them instead of neglecting and ending. Research indicated that the child's intelligence is affected by the surrounding experiences and stimuli, as 50% of the child's intelligence begins to form from birth until the age of four years and about 30 % in the stage between four and eight years, and about 20% between the ages of eight and seventeen. A child does not grow properly unless he is provided with a rich educational environment, full of stimuli and stimuli that challenge his energies and abilities, and that work to develop his physical, psychological, social and


ورق عمل التربية البدنية والدفاع عن النفس الصف الأول التعليم المستمر الفصل الاول

mental capabilities. This stage of life represents a high percentage of the population, ranging between 10% and 20% of the total population. It is noted that the percentage of those enrolled in pre-primary education is 71.7, while this percentage in Arab countries reaches 15.3%. The least developed countries in the world, this percentage reaches 9.8%, according to UNESCO estimates for the year 1997.
