Creating animation for the game

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Creating animation. Game animation. Animation for the game

When we play a game, we always want to be in complete control of the situation, camera and character. We are the ones who make the story and make the character move. Therefore, animation should not only look good, but look good from all possible angles.

For example, if the game is played from a third person, the player rotates the camera and sees the gait or run cycle from a completely different angle. From this perspective, the character's knees will move in a completely different way. An animator, when creating an animation, must remember this and take into account such nuances.

Creating animation for the game

In game development, an animator will have to deal with a wide variety of animations other than those typically seen in Pixar or DreamWorks animated films. As an animator on a game project, you suddenly realize that you are creating animations of various fantastic creatures, giants, war battles and historical events. You will have to create different animation loops, not just a walk or run loop.

For example, most games require a breathing cycle, stand by, a gait cycle with a weapon aimed, an animation cycle in which the character lies on the ground and crawls in the direction indicated by the player, etc. It is enough to play any FPS or RPG game to understand what is this about.

Most games are built on body mechanics, so you will have to spend more than one hour working through them to make the game even more successful. This doesn't mean that you don't have to animate action scenes, but if you think back to any game you've played, you can see how polished body mechanics need to be.
The creation of high-quality animation in advance determines the popularity of the game, therefore many popular game creators turn to specialists like for creating animation, because nothing can sadden you as, for example, the moment in Call of Duty you participate in a firefight, and suddenly you run out of ammo, and then you also suddenly die, in a vain attempt to reload the barrel. Therefore, in order to avoid such mistakes, many game creators turn to specialists and this is the right decision..
