"For Blizzard, an individual who plays

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The announcement of the Burning Crusade Classic's date of release could have been an occasion for celebration and excitement within the community of players, however, the information that was released has many players concerned about the changes and microtransactions Blizzard could a

This news comes as the latest earnings report from WOTLK Gold Activision Blizzard shows that the number of active players per month has drastically declined compared to the same time the previous year. Despite the lower number of players, revenue for Blizzard increased by 7% over the course of the year due to players "participation in value-added products," i.e. microtransactions.

The announcement of the Burning Crusade Classic's date of release could have been an occasion for celebration and excitement within the community of players, however, the information that was released has many players concerned about the changes and microtransactions Blizzard could add in the near future.

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Despite the decline in player numbers Blizzard's results from operations were robust. Revenue increased by 7% year-over-year due to mainly World of Warcraft and specifically WoW's Shadowlands expansion.

" World of Warcraft saw significant engagement, reach, and participation in value-added services, as well as an especially high percentage of players who joined this community on their first visit, helped by initiatives that improve the experience of onboarding," Activision Blizzard said.

Activision Blizzard defines monthly active users as the total number of players who have played an individual game during a particular month. The figure is calculated using the sum of amount of active monthly players in all the months of a given period, then dividing it by 3.

"For Blizzard, an individual who plays the same game across two devices or platforms during the time frame in question would typically be considered one user," Activision Blizzard said.

This is different between Activision as well as King. Because of buy WOTLK Classic Gold  "technical limitations," players who play the identical game on two devices or platforms is considered to be two players. Activision Blizzard also cautioned that certain of its data is from third-party sources.
