How to extend the function life of functions of cyclone sections

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function of cyclone separator

The dust removal bag is the main core component of the Function of Cyclone Separator. Its service life is generally 1-3 years. The cost of replacing the dust removal bag is the main cost of the Function of CyClone Separators. Bags, especially if the filter bag is not appropriate, it will be damaged or blocked seriously. The replacement is more frequent, resulting in the high maintenance cost of the bag dust collector and the life of the use of the dust removal bag. For maintenance costs, everyone wants to know how to extend the life of the dust bag bag. Shenzhen Hongjia Environmental Protection will summarize it with more than ten years of production experience:

1. To investigate the cause of the aging of dust bags, take elimination measures and replace the dust filter bag.

① Hardly and contracted due to abnormal high temperature;

② Due to the contact reaction of steam with acid, alkali or organic solvents;

③ React with water.

2. The blockage of the dust bag bag. When the cloth bag is blocked, the resistance is increased, which can be expressed from the increase of the number of pressure meters.

The clogging of the cloth bag is the main cause of the phenomenon of worn bag wear, perforation, and falling off. The following measures are generally taken:

① Temporarily strengthen the ash clearance operation to eliminate the blockage of the cloth bag;

② Some and all cloth bags must be replaced in time;

③ Strictly ensure the premise of adjusting installation and operation.

3. Damage of the filter bag. The shape of the filter bag and the installation method of the filter bag and the mechanism of the institution determine the position where the filter bag is easily damaged. However, the filter bag is damaged by the following reasons. If the damage occurs, it can be checked in the table below:

① The filter cloth should not be too loose or too tight, too loose is easy to accumulate, and it is easy to pull it too tight.

② New and old filter bags should not be mixed to avoid different damage time affecting the normal work of the device.

③ The filter bag that is replaced first, first use the compressed air to blow, and then check whether there is a hole in the hole. If the filter bag that is passed by dust, rinse with water, and leave it to be replaced after cooling.

function of cyclone separator
