Prophesy and President Trump

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Commentary on the condition of our nation

IS 40:8  “The grass withers, the flowers fade; but the Word of the Lord Stands forever.”

In this time of false accusations, broken promises, distortion of facts, unfulfilled, or False Prophecies, and outright lies; who can we count on for truth?  All of us have experienced one or several of these scenarios in our lifetime.  The feeling of being the recipient of a broken promise, or the realization that you have been lied to, sticks with you forever…  But we all have this assurance and important fact:  We “Shall know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Set Us Free.” 

Over the past few months, we have listened to, and probably have even circulated ourselves, information that from all appearances was true, only to see the truth of it vaporize.   We have listened to and believed Prophesies and “intel” that President Trump will serve two terms.  …That there is a plan for him to move into his second term, and all the scoundrels will be rounded up and justice will prevail.   Now, here we are facing a stolen election, and the accomplishments of the last four years are being struck down by a simple signature, and the scoundrels are still running free!

I have been meditating on these recent events and on the assurance of the Truth of God’s Written Word, and on all these prophetic utterances concerning the United States. To witness yet, only a few have come to pass… I must ask myself; did we really consult the Bible and compare it to what is written there?   2 Pet 1: 19-21 states, …. “19And we have a firmer word of prophecy, to which ye giving attention do well, as to a lantern that giveth light in a dark place, till the day begin to give light, and the day star spring in your hearts.”   Every prophetic utterance that has been spoken, must first agree with the Written Word of God.   How many of these “Words” were spoken out of our soul and our own desire?  Now, do not read anything more into this, as even I have a deep desire to see this Nation flourish and Justice prevail…  As it is far better to keep and look for a positive outcome for the U.S. and believe that things are not going to turn around.    

We are obviously living in a time where prophesies concerning the “end times” are coming to pass at a rapid pace.   Could it be that now is the time for the final acts of end time-events to be upon us?  Could it be that we have reached the time as described in the Word (Rom 11:25), that the “fullness of the Gentiles has come in”, and now it is time for Israel to become the world’s focal point?    Could it now be the time where the dominance and exceptionalism of the United States, and other nations be diminished?    

Let us look at the current situation that is now very prevalent in the United States, Moral Decay.   We have the Constitution and the Bible as our foundation for this blessed country to flourish, but we have now strayed so very far from these principles; and that it appears there is no real coming back… The reason for this, is the condition of men’s hearts and a seared conscious; given over to a state of a reprobate mind… From this condition, there is no return.   Could it mean that we are now entering into a time of trial and judgement?  I believe so… 

I wonder, if President Trump would have been sworn in again as President, if we (the church) will once more slip back into our previous state of complacency and laziness?  From all past experiences, the question appears to be yes!   Look at 9-11, the churches were full for about two weeks, and then we quickly slipped back into our daily routines. 


One day, while on a lunch break at a park near where I worked; I was sitting in my car watching a half dozen baby squirrels playing around the base of some trees…   Suddenly, a hawk swooped down and snatched one of the babies away, flew about two hundred yards, landed, and was preparing his lunch!  All the other squirrels scurried away hid… Then, about 15 minutes later, all of them were out again playing like nothing happened!  Totally oblivious to the fact that their brother or sister just was eaten!   The Lord made it clear to me that we humans are not that much different…   An “event” would happen in our lives that shakes us to our core for a while, then we go back to what is common or the same… Look back at the end of WWII, and how we entered a time of peace and prosperity that has never been experienced before.  This was the beginning of our slipping away from our heritage.  I believe we have now come into a time where we will experience a constant “shaking”.  There will not be a time of normalcy anymore, until the Lord returns for His Church…  Hebrews 12:26 – 27: “…whose voice then shook the earth; but now he has promised, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” 27 Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things that cannot be shaken may remain.” 

We are now witnessing the removal of earthly governments, for the Kingdom of God is at hand, and will be forever established in the earth…   Is 9:7 – “Of the increase of His government and Peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His Kingdom, to order it and establish with judgement and justice from that time forward and forever.  The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”    -  There is no stopping the plans of God, and the redemption of mankind and the redemption of the earth!

For the Church, the days ahead are going to be Glorious but with it, will probably come persecution, and with many trials…  I believe we are entering into the greatest outpouring ever!   All of us are going to be tested.  Are we going to stand up and Proclaim Christ? Or are we going to deny Him?  This is going to be a real challenge for many!  It could cost you your life, and even the life of others.  It could mean the difference between eating, or going hungry…

Are you prepared?  Are you ready to be a witness, and to share the Love of Christ?  Are you ready to pay the price, and ‘take up your cross and follow Him?    Now is the time to make Jesus, Lord of your Life.  Today, is your day of Salvation! 

If you have never made Jesus Lord of your Life, pray this with me:   Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I realize that there is no real hope without you.  I ask you to come into my life.  Cleanse me with your Blood.   I repent of my sins.  I believe that you are the Son of God.  You came to save the world… You are the only one that is the way to eternal life…  Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, contact me at  I will help you get plugged into a local church that will help you in your walk with the Lord. 
