5 Grammar Habits you need to Adopt ASAP.

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Your words are your reflection. They tell you who you are and where you are from. For many years, people were categorized into society according to their ability to read and write.

Those who were able to write effectively without any grammatical errors were perceived as elites of society. With so many decades into the future, you are still judged by your ability to communicate with others, both written and oral. There are chances that your grammar is impacting your personal and professional growth.

Likewise, your not so good first impression is also made on others if there's a grammatical error. If you are sending your work to a publishing house, and the editor can point out 5-6 grammar mistakes on the first page alone, your work may be likely going to be tossed aside in the pile of other scrap and dust.

You wouldn't want that to happen. Right? Your career in writing demands something from you, and this is the ability to write effectively. How would you feel when you see a doctor talking about obesity while eating excessively himself — without controlling his own eating problems. Likewise, if you meet a teacher who hates being in the class, and yet teaches? What would you think of him?

Every profession in the world requires some effort from the person. When it comes to writing, your grammar needs to be perfect. Out of all the world, you should know that learning grammar and mastering it takes time. It's a long term relationship with commitment and dedication. According to  If you can develop the habit of understanding and realizing your own mistakes, you can easily improve.

Don't take it word for word. Learn the five habits of successful creative writers and grammar masters.

Accept you don't know everything.

Often, we stay behind others because our pretty little brain tricks us. Understand and realize that there is always something that is beyond our knowledge and control. Grammar is like that. Be open to critique and self-assessment. Once you know what you don't know, your communication will become effective and powerful.

Be Open build your own Resource Bank:

Go on the internet and search for effective resources related to grammar. Read to become the best writer. Make a collection of all the helpful resources. When in need, you can get help instantly. Know that the more you read, your writing efficiency increases. You will be able to infuse all the grammar-related elements subconsciously. Hence, your ability improves, as well.

Consult when in doubt:

Learn from writers and Grammar geeks. Look into your friend circle and discuss if you are unsure about any sentence constructions. You can also ask your teachers and colleagues about grammar. Consulting others' help avoid awkward constructions of sentences and faulty syntax makes you a skilled writer. If you feel shy in asking your friends, look it up on google. According to Top Ghostwriters, There are multiple platforms like Quora, where you can post your question anonymously. Henceforth, you will get the help you required. As long as you are making your move to learn and acquire the grammar structures, you are in the right direction.

Read beyond Social Media

If you are reading only social media and blog posts, then there are chances you won't be able to improve your writing. Read a well-written book by an established author. This way, you will be able to know more about your typos and other spelling mistakes. Reading makes us more empathetic toward writing and deeply inspire us to write and share our thoughts.

Develop an eye for details:

Last but not least, develop your editing skills. You should know that not all writers are editors. In comparison, editors can be a good writer. Therefore, your goal should be to become a corrector, copyreader, managing editor for your work. Keep a sharp eye on your sentences and sneaky grammar mistakes. Reading and re-reading help you refine your work, hence making your work look professional and polished. When you are organized and know your writing goals, you can make a change in your writing.
