Phony Impeachment of Former President Trump

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Commentary on the treatment of former President Donald Trump.

The completely irrational and hateful treatment of our former President is setting a very unsettling precedent. The ridiculous impeachment of an already out of office President is typical of a third world nation and indicative of the kind of persecution of past leaders done in banana republics. Is this what we are lowering ourselves to? 
What policy of President Trump’s was so horrendous that this kind of persecution is justified? I have asked many of my Trump hating friends this question and they usually say it wasn’t his policies but his personality that they hated. So have we become a cult of personality or do we elect Presidents to lead? Trump was elected by about half of Americans because he was not a bought and paid for politician. Most of us Trump supporters voted for him because he had not gone through the career path of a politician and he put America’s interests first and said he would fight the “swamp”. By the time career politicians get enough clout to be nominated to run for President, they are already “owned” by various political interests. Trump paid for his own campaign without special interest money. Like him or not, he was his own man and he loves this country. I respected that. We need to ask how politicians of both parties (Presidents, Congressmen and Senators) go into office with modest means and come out with wealth their government salaries cannot explain! 
Trump donated his entire salary to various charitable causes. He lost many millions while being in office. Now banks are denying him banking. He is permanently banned from social media. Retailers are dropping products from companies who supported Trump. Members of Congress have called for punishing other Congress members who supported Trump. There has been serious talk by members of Congress stating that the public who supported Trump need to be  “deprogrammed”. If this doesn’t sound Orwellian then you are the one who needs “deprogramming”. This is disgraceful.
It is fine to disagree with a Presidents policies but the behavior of the Trump haters show that they are not really motivated by substance or facts but more by emotions and the distortions they have been fed over the past four years by a very bias media. 
I think people need to ask why there is such an irrational hatred against this man, Donald Trump. Is Trump really a racist? Based on what? Because the media says he is? There is far more evidence that Biden may hold racist attitudes based on recorded statements he has made. Trump did many things that helped minority communities. The media passes over those and distorts every word Trump says by omitting key parts of what he says and distorting the truth. They still are claiming a Russian connection when there is absolutely NO evidence of this. The media lied to their audience for four years claiming they had solid evidence of Trumps treason with Russia, but when they were pushed for that proof, they did not have any. Their first impeachment exposed the complete partisan  motivation behind their actions. This second effort to impeach Trump as he was leaving office is absurd and shows they fear he will return in four years. The MAGA and America First movements stand against the encroachment of global authorities from eroding our sovereignty and our liberties as Americans. It will not go away. 
Our former President lowered taxes, made many advantageous trade deals, cut unproductive government regulations, made us the world leader in energy production, cut government funding for abortions, moved the embassy in Israel  to Jerusalem, built up our border security, prevented new wars, built up our military and brought home many of our troops. So which of these accomplishments warrant the treatment he is receiving?
SLW 1/21/21