Weekly Devotional: Gems From Pastor Jim 2/1/2021

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Micah 2:6 “Don’t say such things,” the people say. “Don’t prophecy like that. Such disasters will never come our way!”

by Jim Hughes

CrossMicah 2:6 “Don’t say such things,” the people say. “Don’t prophecy like that. Such disasters will never come our way!”

Like many before Him, Micah was warning people of their impending doom because of their sin. He was trying to convince them that they needed to return to God before they felt the wrath of God. God declared that judgment was coming, but the people were not listening. They were not willing to admit that they were needing to be held accountable for their rebellion against God. They were in denial and wanted Micah to stop his preaching.

Things are much the same today as they were in Micah’s day. God has raised up many voices to declare that judgment is coming. The warnings are loud and clear, “Repent! The day of our salvation is now!” God is love and He is merciful, but He is also holy and He will not let sin run rampant indefinitely. No one is going to escape their Judgment Day. No one is going to get away with rejecting God and living in sin.

There are many voices, inside and outside the church, who are trying to silence God’s modern day prophets. People don’t want to hear messages of judgment and accountability. They don’t want to hear of a God who will not embrace them in love just the way they are. So many are proclaiming the message of God’s love and ignoring His message of holiness.

The reality is that God has not changed. He is holy love. He loves us and desires that all will repent and have a relationship with Him. But, God cannot have a relationship with an unholy people. He has shown us clearly the way of life that pleases Him and when we refuse to live it, He will honor our choices but hold us accountable for them.

Certain disaster is coming to the earth. God is going to take the righteous out of the world so that they don’t have to live through the mess that is coming. God is going to rid the world of sin once and for all. All who reject Him will end up in hell for all of eternity. Saying it isn’t so won’t change a thing. God has declared it’s going to happen regardless of how we may feel about it.

Are you ready for your Judgment Day?

About the Author:

Jim Hughes

Spending his formative years in Ft. Wayne, IN, Jim followed the love of his life to southeast Iowa where they married and have spent the majority of their lives. Jim has pastored several churches throughout his life and has worked many years in local factories to help support his family. The father of two married adult children and one son still at home, Jim is a first-time author.

C Through Marriage came into being through many years of pastoral and life experiences. The book first took on a life of its own over 20 years ago when I sought to address the much publicized moral failures of prominent leaders in the church. In the chaper on Chasity, I include the guideliness that I developed then to protect one's self from such failures.

I am a firm believer in order to make sense out of life you have to use much common sense. We need to get back to the basics of what has worked for many, many generations. If is isn't broke, why try to fix it? I strive to return to the basics of what really works in all my writings.

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