How to Behave When You Got All This Money On Your Hands

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How to earn, save and spend money in Competitive Matchmaking!

Let’s emphasize once again that CS:GO is a team game. Sure, you can be a pro-tier player who can carry the team to victory with 30 kills per match, but in the end, a team is as good as the weakest link(s). This is why it’s always important to work things out as a team. The scoreboard is there for a reason, it shows how much money everyone on the team has.
There is enough time between the end of one round and the beginning of the next to quickly communicate what is to be done next round, based on the round score between the two teams, and the amount of money you have. You can also see who’s carrying what primary weapon. Of course, most of the utility is not shareable, everyone needs to buy their kevlar and helmet, but rifles and pistols can be passed around, which is a feature that you should be using. Sharing is caring!
Also, we know that it’s near impossible to track how much money the enemies have, but you can have a general idea based on how often they get killed, and sometimes it is possible to predict when they will go eco or at best, force buy. There is no winning formula for this, only long-term experience. When you play hundreds of matches and go through every possible scenario based on the scoreboard flow, you will start recognizing patterns based on what your teams were doing in tough economical situations. And of course, if you see them losing round after round, you know how much money they’ll get after each loss and you can gauge if they’ll be able to buy based on the previous round that they’ve lost. One simple example is that if they force buy on the second round and lose, there are high chances that they’ll go eco in the next because they would be earning just a mere $1900 with the 2nd loss in a row. Add that to the $2400 they’ll get after losing the 3rd in a row and you have $4300, enough for Kevlar, Helmet, AK-47, and a few grenades.
Some general tips:

If you lost the pistol round, there are usually three ways to proceed, depending on how much money you got (based on how many kills, the status of the bomb, etc.).
1.You can go “eco” or “full eco” for 1 or 2 rounds (if you gained nothing from the round and just got wiped out)
2. You can go “eco” or “full eco” for just 1 round (if you have a plant in the first round but didn’t “dent” the opponent’s resources enough to warrant a force buy on the 2nd round)
3. You can force buy immediately (if you killed 3-4 enemies and have a plant done because you have gained money from the plant, 3-4 kills, and there are enough resources to attempt a force buy)
If you’ve won a round, try to find a weapon on the ground that you can upgrade into, for example, ditch an M4 in favor of AWP or AK-47 every time you can (or any lower-tier weapon). If you can’t use AWP well, someone else will volunteer to do it for you, and maybe even buy you something to trade you.
If you see that you are full-geared at the end of a round and have enough money to buy something (SMG or a Rifle) for your teammate who’s low on money but would be able to purchase utility on their own, offer a “drop” through voice chat, to stop them from buying something random. It’s bad when someone makes a random purchase and then there’s an extra weapon on the spawn for no reason. The same goes for you, when you are low on cash and die every round for example, whether your team wins the round or not, you’ll certainly have someone who is capable of sparing a primary weapon for you.
As mentioned above, if you are overwhelmed and see that you cannot win a round for any reason and you feel that the saved weapon will make an impact next round, and the round result is not in your team’s favor and you would need that win next round, hide somewhere with your weapon and run the clock. What you have on you is worth more than the “reward” if you die in most cases.
For CT only: If you need the $350 for a grenade or just don’t have $350 at all, buy a Kevlar and an Assault Rifle. Why?
Because if you take a headshot from a close-medium range from an AK-47 (or even worse, AWP), you’ll die regardless of the presence of a ballistic helmet on your head. So, that investment is more or less redundant if you know that the entire enemy team is brandishing AKs and AWPs (yes, we can nitpick that in a firefight, someone can switch to a pistol and obliterate you, but that doesn’t happen that often).
We hope that this guide will help you get a better understanding of CS:GO economy if you’re a newcomer and that it will improve your money-management skills in CS:GO. We welcome you to browse our other guides for CS:GO (and other cool games) here on Prima Games.

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