Minecraft animal feeding and taming guide

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Animal taming and feeding might not be the first thing you think about when entering the world of Minecraft, but it’s still an important part of the game.


Animal taming and feeding might not be the first thing you think about when entering the world of Minecraft, but it’s still an important part of the game. As with all games, there are certain tricks and techniques to make sure your animals stay happy and healthy. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced explorer, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to keep your animal friends fed and tame. We cover everything from what food they like to where to find them, and more! Read on to learn more about animal taming and feeding in Minecraft.

Feeding Animals

In Minecraft, you can feed animals to either tame them or restore their health. To do this, simply hold the food item in your hand and Right-click on the animal. Each animal has a different food that it likes to eat. For example, cows like to eat wheat, while chickens like to eat seeds.

If you're trying to tame an animal, make sure you have the correct type of food. For example, you won't be able to tame a wolf with wheat – you'll need raw meat instead. Once you've given the animal the correct food, it will start following you around and obeying your commands. You can then put it into a pen or lead it around with a leash.

If you're just trying to heal an animal, any type of food will do. Just keep in mind that some foods will heal more than others – for example, steak will heal more than bread. Animals can also be healed by drinking water from a bucket or swimming in water.

Taming Animals

Taming animals in Minecraft can be a bit tricky, but with this guide you'll be a pro in no time! The first thing you need to do is find the animal you want to tame. Once you've found your target, approach it and offer it one of its favorite foods. Right-click on the animal while holding the food to start the process of taming.

The next step is to keep feeding the animal until it's happy. You'll know the animal is happy when it begins following you around. Once an animal is happy, it can be trained to do a variety of tasks like fetching items, herding other animals, or even attacking enemies!

So get out there and start taming those animals! With a little patience and practice, you'll be a master in no time.

Animal Breeding

Animal breeding in Minecraft is the process of using food to create new baby animals.

There are two ways to do this - either by holding the food and right-clicking on an animal, or by throwing the food at the animal. Both methods will work, but it's generally easier to use the former.

When you have successfully bred two animals, a baby animal will appear. Baby animals have small hearts above their heads, and they'll follow any player who is carrying food.

To keep a baby animal from growing up too fast, you'll need to feed it regularly. The best way to do this is by using a bucket of milk, which can be obtained from cows. Right-click on a cow with an empty bucket to fill it with milk.

Once you have milk, simply right-click on a baby animal with the bucket in your hand to give it a drink. Doing this will slow down its growth, allowing you to keep it as a pet for longer.


Minecraft's animal taming and feeding system is an enjoyable part of the game. With the help of this guide, you should have a better understanding of how to use it effectively. You know what kinds of food different animals enjoy, as well as how you can tame them in order to make them into dependable companions for your adventures in Minecraft. So get out there and start exploring with your new furry friends!

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