Right to life liberty and the pursuit to happyness

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The case against the Government

Our case against the U.S government for human rights violations. I am not here, going to enumerate the  vast body of scientific literature here. Somewhat due funds and somewhat due to time. 


 I lay out in my case that  life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are human rights (and I would say natural rights). Every life seeks to live. Try to remove life from any creature and it will flee or fight, remove her happiness and she will die. This is an expression of nature. It is simply a matter of fact. No man or other creature is immune to this struggle for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore it is an involuntary action to seek out these fundamentals. An evolutionary drive to survive. 


How does this apply to Man? In as much as the coyote is wild and the loyal lab is domestic. Humans have various levels of domestication. They behave as predatory and unpredictable as any non-domestic creature. Likewise, as calm and loyal as any domesticated animal. Based on I.Q education and other factors .Therefore we can not help but to seek out life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is the natural drive of creatures.  


Let us go farther. Antifa and Black lives matter have been deprived of their human rights.so they seek remedy and therefore happiness in destruction. Once the government stops raping them they will be content to pursue their lives. (The loss of Black lives at the hand of law enforcement goes straight to the federal government).


Now we tie The government to their crime. In recent years and months the people of the United state have been violently tossed back and forth. Government  officales say the words “peace” and “unity” but they only rape and seek vengance through legislation and rhetoric. The people here just want to be left alone. But the government insists on divisive maneuvers to inflame. They propose gun laws with no bases in fact to inflame the “Right wing” (roughly half or the nation) despite that most crimes are due to illegal guns.To the “Left wing”(roughly the other half of the nation) they promote dangerous policies that lead to the loss of life and civil liberty. Then they  shake up the bag and aim the sides at each other to foment violent reactions.


How are gun laws tied to fight or flight? The fasted answer is democide, (Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder). Is this a real fear? Yes! This is a deep trauma in the minds of the Americans (the US portion) stated by the British in the 1700’s. And history has borne before and since to the right and history that Governments kill. In fact democide kills millions. Splitting hairs to say that more were killed by genocied rather than democide is not helpful when the government is responsible for it. This is a new tactic employed to play games in the United states. Therefore gun laws invoke  a fight or flight response. 


The left is also afraid, or rather, angry about Democide as well. They seek to be left alone also. The murder death of hacktivist, the flippant designation of terrorist of the enemy du jour. The policies of the government such as gun,drug,and defence law caused a massive number of deaths. You see law enforcement funding has been negated to the federal government. Thereby making it profitable to rule with an iron fist by local law officers. The more they help the feds the more money they get. Somehow this always leads to deaths of the disenfranchised. The poor, black, and uneducated often meet their death at the hand of predatory policing. Then politicians say “see it's this group's fault so elect me in I will get them”  and like magic that group becomes afraid and or combative. Then they can be labeled the enemy.


The government has violated our human rights for their benefit and caused civil war and hatred among its own people for one another. 


Understand that is Bad for the world. At the end of the day we are a nuclear armed nation and under these conditions that the U.S. must be targeted for their human rights violations.
