Thinking About The Times

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Thoughts on Christianity& Politics for peaceful citizens of the USA

There is an area of BEST BALANCE between totally despotic government and totally

individual freedom (which would be total chaos.)  America was designed by informed

and educated men to be balanced at slightly-limited individual freedom.  That is the

area of best balance.

The power-hungry, power-addicted and the visionary dreamers are not interested

in balance, only more power.  Though they are in the minority, in the last hundred

years they have taken over all, or most, of our opinion-making institutions.

The balance point that was the American System is the best one because it allows

for and understands true human nature in respect to power.  There is no perfection

in humans or their governments.  Power corrupts humans and they corrupt their

governments.  It is the nature of humans with political power to attempt to increase

and protect it.  This is what corrupts them.  America was designed to control that

very problem.

America’s laws were originally designed to support individual freedom and Christian

morality.  All laws are built on someone’s morality.  The Founders called ours the

Natural Law built in our hearts by God.

Each generation must come to know, hopefully sooner than later, where the balance

lies and maintain it.  Americans have not consistently done this.  The schools have

quit teaching it sometime in the past.

What has broken loose from our system’s control is partisan politics.  The major

political parties are not living within the Constitutional limits on political power.

The danger is discussed in the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers.

Our schools don’t teach them anymore.  One commentator has written that those

documents are more applicable now than they were originally.

This is a vital thing that good American citizens need to discover and set right. 


We need less power exerted by government and more discussion.  We must seek

the best and most just answers—not perfect Leftist answers, which is always more

power.  There are known good answers, but we don’t hear those in most of our media!

The founders set the nation up to work that way—to discover the best that could be

achieved, not the most perfect answers.  But we are no longer using their system.

We are being controlled by our government political party members, not the



Denny Phillips 6 yrs

Os Guinness wrote about the "Golden Triangle" in "A Free People's Suicide"

The concept is basically argues that while the laws of the land may provide external restraints on behavior, freedom requires virtue, which in turn requires faith, which in turn requires freedom.

He essentially posits that in order to have a free society, people must have an intrinsic virtue to do the right thing even when government is not watching. In order to have a sense of morality and the subsequent virtue, one must have faith in the immutable laws of a supreme being. But in order to truly have faith, one must have the freedom to follow their Creator, that state mandated adherence to a religious structure is not actually faith, but rather faith in name only.

Thus, the American experiment took a leap and trusted that it's citizens were virtuous, faithful people and thus would be blessed with freedom.

But as our foundation, our faith in God, diminishes, people may no longer self-regulate. As they begin to ignore the concepts of virtue, more law must be enacted to control them, suppressing freedom. As freedom diminishes, the right to follow a true faith diminishes and is replaced with secular social moral-like substitutes which you will reject because they have no truth or authority.