What are the rules of basketball

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Determining the goal basket for each team is one of the tasks that precedes the start of the game, provided that the two teams exchange the positions of the baskets in the second half, and the method of playing is summarized by throwing the basketball at the top coinciding with the standin

How to play basketball
Determining the goal basket for each team is one of the tasks that precedes the start of the game, provided that the two teams exchange the positions of the baskets in the second half, and the method of playing is summarized by throwing the basketball at the top coinciding with the standing of players from both teams in the middle of the field, and the rest of the team lines up around the center circle alternately , so that the match begins with the first touch of basketball from one of the players, as the player who possesses the ball heads towards the opponent's basket; In order to hit the ball, and score the goal.

There are many basic skills on which the game of basketball depends, including: 

Passing skill with catching: (in English: Passing and catching), by sending the ball to players in separate parts of the field.
Dribbling skill: (in English: Dribbling), as the player uses one hand to make the ball hit the ground and return to the top several times.

The skill of possessing the rebounding ball: (in English: Rebounding), as a result of its collision with the arc of the basket, or the backboard of the basket.
Shooting skill: (in English: Shooting), by shooting the ball and throwing it into the hoop of the basket.
Defense skill: (in English: Defending), defending the team's basket by resisting the opponent's team, and preventing it from aiming at the basket.

The skill of moving without the ball: (in English: Moving without the ball), which allows the player who is moving to seize the opportunity to shoot towards the basket, or to obtain a good pass from another player, which requires the other team to prevent the ball from reaching him, and cut it through Defenders on the field.

Jumping skill: (in English: jumping), as it helps players to take possession of rebounding balls, and prevent shots on the basket, and this skill also helps to shoot the ball well; It is one of the most important skills that players must possess.
To learn more information about how to learn basketball, you can read my articles: How to learn basketball, and basketball exercises.

Points calculation method
Points are calculated when the ball is thrown from the playing area, enters the basket and then falls from the bottom of the basket. Outside the three-point line, as the foot of the shooting player must not touch him in order for three points to be counted, and when the player jumps to shoot the ball, the player may land on or inside the three-point area line, but this will not affect the points calculated for the goal, which are three points .

A goal is calculated in favor of the opposing team if the player scores a goal in his team’s basket by mistake, and the points for this goal are added to the player of the opposing team closest to this player. One point for the team that succeeded in shooting the free throw, but in the event that the player does not score the free throw, one of his teammates can pick it up to put it in the basket, as two points are counted for him, and the official total score is approved to end the match. 

The duration of the match
The basketball match is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two quarters, where each quarter takes ten minutes, separating the first and second quarters by two minutes, and the same period between the third and fourth quarters, and the two halves are separated by a fifteen-minute break, and the match clock can be stopped at having an official or regular time-out; such as recovering the ball, player injuries, or requesting a time-out, and the clock can also be stopped due to errors committed by the players, in the last two minutes of the second half of the match, as well as in cases of dead ball (in English: Dead Ball) - that is, when neither team is in control On the ball or due to it - such as the occurrence of errors, violations, time outs, and others. 

When a team's shooting of free throws coincides with the time-out request, the game clock will start when the player catches the ball and starts playing after scoring the free throw, or when the player touches the ball after it bounces in the event that the player fails to score the free throw. in the event of a tie in a qualifying match; The two teams are given an additional time of two minutes in order to determine the winning team, then that time is repeated until the winner is announced, and these additional runs are interspersed with a one-minute time break.


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