What is the treatment for abdominal pain

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Abdominal pain often expresses the pain felt by the patient in the area extending under the rib cage and above the pelvis and groin, and the intensity of the pain ranges from mild to severe. It can be said that all people may suffer from abdominal pain even once in their lives, and althoug

Tummy ache
Abdominal pain often expresses the pain felt by the patient in the area extending under the rib cage and above the pelvis and groin, and the intensity of the pain ranges from mild to severe. It can be said that all people may suffer from abdominal pain even once in their lives, and although we do not feel the mechanism by which the abdominal organs work, the feeling of abdominal pain is definitive evidence of a disorder in the functions of the organs present there, such as the stomach, small intestine, and intestines. The large intestine, the liver, the pancreas, and the gallbladder, and it is worth mentioning that the occurrence of a disorder in the functions of these organs may be a temporary and very simple matter, and it goes away on its own, and it is rare that the reason behind the feeling of abdominal pain is suffering from a serious health problem.

Abdominal pain treatment
The treatment of abdominal pain depends mainly on the cause. For example, if the reason behind the feeling of abdominal pain is suffering from a health problem or exposure to a specific injury, then the treatment is by treating these causes, and the general treatment methods can be stated as follows:

Lifestyle modifications
Some lifestyle modifications can be made to control abdominal pain, and the most important of these modifications follows:

Moderation in eating in the event that the underlying cause of abdominal pain is excessive food.
Reducing the intake of gas-causing foods in the event that gases are the cause of abdominal pain.
Lying on the left side to relieve the feeling of pain, as this lying down can help to relax the gastrointestinal tract.

Eat more fiber and drink water if constipation is the underlying cause of abdominal pain.
Control stress and practice exercises that help to relax, because stress causes abdominal pain to worsen.

Put a hot water bottle on the abdomen.
Make sure to drink plenty of healthy fluids, such as water.
Refrain from drinking alcohol, because drinking alcohol can make the pain worse.
Limiting coffee and tea, as these drinks cause the pain to worsen.
Make sure to get enough rest.

Pharmacological treatments
The choice of medication depends on the underlying cause of the feeling of abdominal pain, and there are some cases in which it is required to inject the patient with fluids intravenously to compensate for the deficiency, and among the drug options that can be resorted to are the following:

pain killers; Although most cases of pain do not go away directly when taking painkillers, they clearly reduce its severity. It is worth noting that there are many drugs that are classified as painkillers, including Paracetamol, which is recommended for use in cases of Feeling a slight pain, and it is advised to read the instructions attached to Paracetamol, and to be careful not to exceed the permissible daily doses, and also from pain relievers: aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs, but it is advised not to take these medicines without consulting a specialist doctor; As these medicines may increase the feeling of abdominal pain in some cases.
Antacids, which are used in some cases of abdominal pain.
Antidepressants (in English: Antidepressants), but given in small doses in the event of feeling abdominal pain


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