Definition of mental illness

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Most cases of mental disorders affect individuals aged 24 years and over, although it may occur in all age groups, and in fact it can affect any of the individuals without distinction, regardless of age, gender, race, identity, or social and religious status, and the severity of these diso

Definition of mental illness
The concept of psychological disorder is used as a synonym for mental disorders or diseases, and the American Psychiatric Association has adopted in the latest edition of its Dsm5 diagnostic manual the use of mental disorders as an approved term, which has defined it As: a syndrome with significant effects on the patient's perception or ability to control his feelings or behavior, which reflects a defect from a psychological, biological or developmental point of view, and mental illnesses are usually accompanied by difficulties or clear problems in the social or functional aspect or other important things. In a person's life, therefore, the diagnosis of mental illness focuses on the symptoms that the patient complains about and are related to his behavior and thoughts.

It should be noted that the expected reactions to very sad or very disturbing life events are not classified as mental illnesses. For example, reactions to the death of a close person are not considered a mental illness. Accompanied by a mental disorder.

The difference between poor mental condition and mental illness
Mental health is an important matter in the stages of life, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. It is related to a person's emotion, psychology, social life, and ability to live well, and it also helps to communicate with others and make healthy life choices in addition to being able to deal with stress, and it is worth mentioning that poor mental health is often confused with mental illness. , but they are two different concepts, as a person may suffer from poor mental health and not be diagnosed with a mental disorder, and the matter may also be diagnosed as suffering even though he is going through periods of well-being on the psychological and social level.

It is noteworthy that many people suffer from poor mental condition from time to time, but it turns into disorders or psychological diseases when the symptoms affect the functions of the individual and his ability to carry out his activities in addition to causing stress or repeated stress, and we warn that mental illnesses are what they are. except for a sick condition that is not right to be ashamed of; Its condition is like any disease, such as heart disease and diabetes, and the good thing is that it is treatable,  as symptoms can be controlled with medication in addition to psychiatry. Scientists are making efforts to expand their awareness of how the human mind works, to help patients overcome treatment successfully.

Manifestations of mental disorders
Most cases of mental disorders affect individuals aged 24 years and over, although it may occur in all age groups, and in fact it can affect any of the individuals without distinction, regardless of age, gender, race, identity, or social and religious status, and the severity of these disorders varies Disorders, from mild that do not affect much in daily life, as is the case in some types of phobias or phobias (in English: Phobia), to severe ones that may require hospitalization for treatment,  Likewise, some cases may occur episodic and intermittently, and some The other may be chronic


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