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Joe Biden did not get the votes Trump did - even by cheating - so that makes us the "majority". We the deplorables, MAGA, conservative, Americans of Faith, need to speak up for and stand beside the Constitution of America. https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-const

THE CONSTITUTION: Established the American government and fundamental laws guaranteeing certain basic rights for its citizens. i.e. all American citizens. The Constitution, to Americans, is what the Bible is to people of Faith.  The Consitution of America gives a foundation for life based on the past experience of  its creators, who were people of Faith, seeking religious freedom.  That was 233 years ago - They were probably no more perfect than we are, but they knew why they were coming here, because they were seeking "freedom".  They were leaving a tyracle government that shipped them out of Spain.

    It seems that the Democrats are not interested in American history or its foundation.  You notice how they don't get rattled when cities are burning and businesses are being destroyed?  I wonder why that is, I'm pretty sure our founding fathers would not put up with it. 

   Its like a dinner guest, showing up but disliking your dinner so he sends for take out for everyone.  Not that there was anything wrong with your dinner, it just didn't suit him.  So he is going to change things for everybody - not only make himself happy by choosing the dinner meal, but making sure he provides for everyone, and I wonder if that is so he won't feel guity or selfish? 

   The worst part is it takes our freedom and our privacy, something we have always had and do not want to part with.  Yes, the first Americans were shipped here from another country - they made the most of it, this country started with immigrants and refugees - not because they were criminal, but because they would not convert to another faith - not to discount the Native Americans already here.  So think about it, this group of people is going to take from us what our forefathers took from the Native Americans - its still political.







