May 3, 2019 Mnt Goat News Brief

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May 3, 2019 Mnt Goat News Brief

Hi Everyone,

I bring you some news today.

I hope everyone found the new site today for my newsletter. There is not much news. This is the case NOT because we need to be quite due to a pending RV, as the guru idiots are telling

We ONLY find the TRUTH when we are open to it.

Sandra Vaught 6 yrs

So has Mtn Goat posted anything for today May 6th?

Ann Ross 6 yrs

Not updated yet for May 6th.

Kathy Dodson 6 yrs

Ok, I am new to this, so how will we know when she puts out a new post?

AE1122 6 yrs

I look forward to reading your full post. This one did not load for me....

Lifeisgood 6 yrs

I might be stupid or there is something wrong with the post, but the last sentence I can read is the 5th line: "We ONLY find the TRUTH when we are open to it."

Kitty64 6 yrs

It won't load for me either

Marybeth 6 yrs

I cannot open your news letter. I am only able to see the first 5 lines of the body of the first paragraph; ending at ,"pending RV, as the guru idiots are telling" there is no area to click to (read more) as in your previous post has.