Riot has many memorable League of Legends songs

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Riot has many memorable League of Legends songs

Riot has many memorable League of RL Items  Legends songs, and now drum and bass duo Koven would love a shot at making one after their catchy Rocket League RLCS anthem.

Powerhouse drum and bass duo, Koven, have etched themselves into Rocket League records with ‘All We Needed’, the anthem of the RCLS. As they appearance to the future, they’ve even set their sights on scoring a niche on League of Legends‘ ever-growing roster of musicians.

Characterized by way of heavy electronica and the smooth, occasionally haunting vocals of lead singer Katie Geraghty, English drum and bass duo Koven have partnered up with Rocket League Items Shop Mobil 1 to debut new track, ‘All We Needed’.
