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Pokémon GO is a location-based RPG using Pokemon that has caused an unprecedented global hit. Roam the real world, find, catch, trade, and battle Pokémon. As the company that produced “Ingress” in cooperation with Google, the use of maps is outstanding. With this quality, the essenti

Pokémon GO is a location-based RPG using Pokemon that has caused an unprecedented global hit. Roam the real world, find, catch, trade, and battle Pokémon. As the company that produced “Ingress” in cooperation with Google, the use of maps is outstanding. With this quality, the essential play is free, and an item is charged. A dedicated device will also be released. The overwhelming addictiveness that walking smartphones can become a social problem is attractive.


How far you have to go in your Pokedex depends on how you look at it. Pokemon Go is continually adding new Pokemon. At the time of writing, Pokemon Go has 680-700 Pokemon, without considering regional varieties, multi-form Pokemon, or Mega Pokemon. In the primary Nintendo console Pokemon games, there are 898 Pokemon in the ‘National Pokedex,’ a full database of every Pokemon in existence. This excludes Pokemon with the same Pokedex number. Over time, Pokemon Go will introduce more than 900 Pokemon. If you’re a completionist, you may also wish to obtain all of those (albeit Mega Evolution is temporary). Once you do, you’ll have nearly 700 distinct Pokemon species.
