Mission Statement

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I describe what my mission is and I hope it will be yours as well!

My Mission:


I’m not going to lie to you and tell you everything is fine because it’s not! White people or Caucasian’s whom are truly the most diverse race and most successful on the planet are in trouble. At about 7% of the worlds population and falling we are the minority of the world facing extinction. Every struggle and everything our ancestors strove and fought for will be gone. Every thing they built and every monument to them will be destroyed. It will be as if we never existed! Some have the nerve to say this is a good thing. It’s not! The average IQ’s of white people are around 105. Some races have on average higher IQ’s (Asians and Ashkenazii Jews), however, if we intermarry with races that have a lower average IQ’s, that average IQ drops at least 10 points or more in the resulting population. There are no countries with average IQ’s under 100 that are successful and in fact they are shit-holes! What’s worse part of our decline has been a planned destruction of our race by those we supported and trusted! We’ve been wrongly singled out and demonized for crimes that all races have committed to some degree. We’ve been collectively guilt tripped for things we didn’t do and that other races have done too or even worse! We’ve been lied to about almost all of the 20th and 19th century and the lies continue today!


What should be done? Well obviously, mostly non-white immigration to western white majority countries should be stopped immediately. Those already here should be encouraged to return to their countries of origin and perhaps a financial incentive would entice them! Spending a little money to get them to return is much more affordable then taking care of them cradle to the grave as most coming here are on the public dole which is mostly paid for by white people! They could live like King/Queens in most of their home countries for a small amount of money because of the strength of our currency compared to theirs! It would be more humane to have them go back voluntarily than to go the other route, by force! Realistically, without a revolution or civil war that we win, politically this probably won’t happen!


What can we do now? Of course if you’re young, have more children or find a white husband/wife and have a minimum of 3 children. The more the better! Join a church! There are always women/men who want to have families who are Christians! As Nationalists, we must take over the Christian churches and encourage large families! The church can provide support with baby-sitting, education opportunities or even financial support. The flock needs to grow and we need to keep our children out of government indoctrination centers with either church schools and/or home schooling! Our churches should be a community of people with one of the main goals (besides saving the soul) being the advancement and growth of our race. “Go Forth And Multiply” should be adhered to!


Boomers who do bare some responsibility for what’s happened here can doing something too! If you feel you don’t have anything left to do or give? You’re wrong! Our greatest mission as white boomers should be to save our race! We need to set an example! Show the youth that we can be strong. Get back into fitness and do what you can do. Stay away from pornography, excessive alcohol and drugs! If you’re a hunter, teach the youth to hunt. If you’re a fighter, teach the youth to fight. If you’re a housewife/cook, teach the young women everything you know. What’s more you can volunteer to babysit if your children/grandchildren have more white children. You can provide financial support too! This doesn’t have to be a family member. You can befriend families at church and explain to them why you’re willing to help. Encourage more children always!


Lastly, we can wake more people up to this reality as not everyone is aware or believes in the this truth. My mission in this life is first of course to take care of my disabled wife and myself of course! Then beyond that I’m going to do whatever I can to get our people to wake up and rise to the challenge. This isn’t about hate or white supremacy. In fact it’s other races/cults supremacy delusions that want us gone along with self-hating ignorant lunatic LIBTARD whites. We want China to remain Chinese, Japan to remain Japanese, Russia to remain Russian and even Israel to remain majority Jewish Israeli. We want everyone to do well in their own countries. There’s nothing wrong with helping people, but they don’t need to be in the west, help them in their own countries!


We have a right to exist in countries of our own as the majority. Nobody is telling other non-western non-white countries they don’t have enough “diversity”. Diversity as defined by them, is our extinction! This about love for our people, our culture, our history and our ancestors. So if you need a goal or a mission to get you out of bed in the morning, what greater mission can there be but to save your own people from extinction???


I for one am going to do everything I can to support our people for the rest of my life!


