The history of electronic cigarettes.

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The beginning of a multi-million dollar industry.

For many years, the problem of smoking has not left people alone. In developed countries, bans of varying degrees of severity have been introduced. And it would seem that the solution to the problem has been found - electronic cigarettes, but even here mankind is not pleased. Society is divided between those who believe the invention is not the solution, but only a less harmful substitute (like the nicotine patch or chewing gum), and those who believe that this is the next weapon of mass destruction. In any case, everyone is free to make his or her own choice. But that's not the point now.

Most people mistakenly believe that the first inventor of the electronic cigarette was a pharmacist from China named Hong Liq. According to his story, the starting point for working on this invention was the tragic death of his father from lung cancer.

In 2003, he applied to the patent office for a "flameless atomized electronic cigarette," but without a prototype drawing. The company for which Mr. Hohn worked developed the patent. The first e-cigarette prototype was announced in Hong Kong on February 8, 2004, and the first patent was registered in 2005 by BEST PARTNERS Worldwide Limited under patent number 009116.

The first e-cigarette prototype

Certainly, thanks to the efforts of a Chinese pharmacist, ES production was mass-produced, but he was not the first. So who was the ancestor of this device?

Who was the real father of the electronic cigarette?

According to many online publications, the first was an American scientist Herbert A Hilbert. In 1963 he filed a patent application for a "smokeless cigarette". As the creator claimed, his device "refers to a smokeless and tobacco-free cigarette whose purpose is to provide safe and harmless smoking methods, replacing the standard burning of tobacco and paper with slightly heated, moist and fragrant air, similar to breathing warm medicine into the lungs in case of respiratory disease under the guidance of a doctor.

As it turned out during my search, this was also not the first and far from the only patent. Below I will give the dates, names, and drawings of inventors who have proposed something interesting or fun to solve the problem of smoking.

Frank Bartolomeo.

Introduced a device designed to help smokers saturate their bodies with nicotine in places where smoking is prohibited.

Otto Loble

Files a patent application in 1954 for an inhaler that simulates smoking. He proposes a model with a hollow mouthpiece that can be filled with a substance that helps in quitting smoking. It is not specified what kind.

Albert Gelardin

In 1950 offers a flashlight that simulates the burning of an analog cigarette.

Gene Cardoche

In 1951 offered a device that simulates a real cigarette for children! As the creator stated - "Children try to imitate adults and show interest in cigarettes, to keep them from smoking I propose the following... "

Joseph Robinson

In 1827, the author introduces the "electric vaporizer." A device for inhaling medicines and other substances with heating.

Anyway, by the time Gilbert presented his invention to the world in 1960, there had already been more than a hundred patents on this subject.

Thus, Joseph is the first inventor and father of electronic cigarettes. And now you can buy the best e-cigarettes and supplements at

