Database programming

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Smart phone application programming has become one of the most in demand at the present time due to the increasing use of affairs of smart phones, and people relying on them in their daily, and the programmer of smart phone applications creates applications and analyzes them, makes sure of

The best areas of programming
Programming is one of the best and most sought-after fields in the labor market, and programmers' salaries are among the highest for other jobs.

As the salaries of programmers may exceed 140 thousand dollars annually, and these areas are divided into developing computer software, programming smart phone applications, programming websites, programming databases and others

Smartphone application programming
Smart phone application programming has become one of the most in demand at the present time due to the increasing use of affairs of smart phones, and people relying on them in their daily, and the programmer of smart phone applications creates applications and analyzes them, makes sure of their readiness, and continues their work even after their release.

Among the best skills that a programmer of smart phone applications should learn are the following: Objective C programming for iOS, or Java programming for Android.

Graphic design User interface design The ability to use REST to create websites, to connect the application with cloud services.

Website programming
A website programmer or web page programmer is known as the person responsible for creating the website, and his work includes programming the website pages and how they work, as for designing the appearance of web pages, it is the job of the website designer

Most websites are linked to a database to store the contents of the site, and it is often the responsibility of the web programmer to create the database and link it to the site that created it, and the Internet programming is divided into client-side programming .

And server-side programming, and the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Java Script are among the most important languages ​​used in programming websites, and in addition to these languages, the programmer must learn other important languages. Such as: PHP, Perl, Java, ASP,. Net, and others.

Database programming
A database programmer is known as the person in charge of databases and knowledge of its technologies, and the tasks of a database programmer are to create the database and choose the appropriate programming language to create it.


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