DID YOU KNOW THAT...(these are taken from actual headlines listed on Olive Tree Ministries)

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These are some news items that people may not know because they are not talked about in the major media.


The Seattle School District wants teachers to bless Muslim students in a public way during Ramadan and give them preferential treatment?

Twitter has suspended accounts exposing attacks on Trump supporters?

On campus, Thou shalt not support Israel?

After the boomers are gone, the bloodshed begins?

Alexa has been eavesdropping on you the whole time?

America school children are forced to praise “blood of the Martyrs?”

Time Magazine features presidential candidate with “husband” on “First Family” cover?

Ilhan Omar speaks to school children in Minnesota...parents and press not allowed?

Addicted to sex: Planned Parenthood’s goal for children?

Border patrol releases thousands who are exposed to diseases like tuberculosis?

Canada’s version of Medicare for All executes thousands of patients a year?

Pedophilia now being taught in CA schools as a “sexual orientation?”

You may be interviewed for your next job by a robot?

California moves to require pastors, priests to become government informants?

New concern as Ring of Fire coming to life in heavily populated areas?

Thirty percent of Republicans support Medicare for All?








